You're Not Your Father- Tony Stark

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I always imagined Tony would be somewhat reluctant to start a family because of his upbringing. Some relationship drama ahead.

"It was nice of you to make dinner for us, mom," you say as you and your fiance Tony finished your plates while visiting with your mother. "It certainly was Mrs. (l/n,)" Tony concurs, "If you ever think about opening you're own restaurant, I would be more then happy to be one of your key investors, as long as we can eat for free," you nudge Tony on the side. "That's very sweet of you to say, Tony," your mother replies, "but I am little old to be thinking about starting such ventures. Anyone want desert?" You and Tony were more then eager as she serves bowels of creme brulee.

"At my age," your mother continues, "I should really be start thinking about ways to spoil my future grandchildren, now that my little girl is getting hitched." "Don't worry, ma'am," Tony assures, "If (y/n) and I have children, we'll be sure to visit as often as we can." "You mean WHEN we have children, right Tony?" you ask hopeful. "Uh, yeah, that's what I meant," Tony nodded hesitantly. "You said if," you pointed out, "If implying we might not have children?" "It could also mean we might have," Tony tried to explain but the statement he made earlier was stuck in your head. "You two haven't talked about this before," your mother asks. "No, no, we did definitely have this conversation before, I know we did," you start to glare at Tony, who was trying very hard to come up with an explanation. "You know what, it's getting late," you sigh, "We should head back home."    

To say the drive back home was filled with silent tension would be an understatement. You sat in the passengers seat, silently fuming while Tony kept his attention focused on driving.
"So I heard you finally found a venue to hold the reception," Tony attempts to start a conversation, you however refused to utter a single word. "It's got a really nice view of the ocean, right?" Tony continues even though you didn't respond, "while we're on that subject I was able to book the date of our wedding about four months from now. I think that should be plenty of time for you to send out the invitations-" "How can you still be talking about the wedding at a time like this?" You finally speak up, with a rather snappy tone. "I was just trying to break the silence in here given that we seemed to hit some kind of rough patch back at your mother's house," Tony tries to reason. "If you want to get over the rough patch, maybe we should start with getting all our dirty laundry out in the open," you retort, making Tony avert his gaze fully back to the road, "The day I brought up the conversation about having children, you said you were okay with it," you continue, "I said I wanted at least one boy and one girl, and you said and I quote 'we can have as many children as you want babe,'" you imitate Tony's voice when you said that last sentence. "I don't sound like that," Tony retorts, "Okay fine, I do remember having this conversation, and I do remember saying that," he admits. "Did you ever mean that?" You press further, "or were just lying to me, just to shut me up about it?"
"It wasn't to shut you up," Tony hastily replies, "but I also happen to remember you were dressed in that lingerie I bought you for Valentine's day that night, and not all the blood was in my brain at the time." "So it's my fault you said what you said that night?" You scowl. "No, you're taking that completely out of the context," Tony exclaims, "You know what, you're right. Yes I lied. The truth is I don't want any children, ever." "So you lied about that, yet you expected us to still get married," you try to piece together Tony's logic, "you didn't think I was ever going to bring it up again? Like say when I thought the time would be right to start a family for example?" "Well it sounds stupid when you put it that way," Tony scoffs as he drives into the garage. "You know what," you sigh as you get out of the car, "Sometimes I think you use up all your genius to come up with all these amazing projects, you don't have any leftover to put any thought into our relationship."

That night, you had the bed all to yourself while Tony slept on the couch.

--------The next day---------
"So he really doesn't want children," Natasha asks as you, her, Sharon, and Wanda sit at the bar, sipping martinis. "He made it loud and clear he didn't want any whatsoever," you down what was left of your drink then order another one
"I thought you said he wanted children," Wanda looked confused. "So did I," you reply, "apparently he lied just so he could get me outta my panties." "That bastard," Sharon agrees, "it's amazing the lengths men will go to just to get laid." "Kinda ironic given that getting laid is what makes babies in the first place," Natasha adds.
"Well at this point, only way I could get pregnant is if I either flush all the pills down the toilet or secretly poke holes in the condoms," you sigh. "You wouldn't actually do that would you?" Nat asks with slight concern. "No, I wouldn't," you assure, "I don't want to deceive Tony that way." "Are you two going to break up? What's going to happen?" Wanda asked. "I don't know," you admit, "I mean I love Tony, we've been together for years now. I don't want to leave, but this is kind of a deal breaker."
"You should at least talk to him before making any hasty decisions," Sharon suggested, "maybe the two of you can reach a compromise." "And if we can't?" You point out. "Then the decision to end things will be up to you," Sharon answers.

"I can't believe I had to sleep on the couch last night," Tony grumbles as he, Steve, and Rhodey play pool.  "I'm not at all surprised to be honest," Rhodey quips, "Seriously I have no idea how that woman puts up with you every night." "You're honest input is ever much appreciated," Tony sarcastically remarks, "we had a bit of a disagreement was all."
"Must've been one hell of a disagreement if she kicked you outta the bedroom," Steve chuckles, "what'd you do this time?" "I didn't do anything," Tony answers defensively, "it's just the topic of having kids came up, and we both had different ideas about it." "(Y/N) doesn't want kids?" Rhodey asks. "Well, actually....I was the one who kinda doesn't want any," Tony admits which took Steve and Rhodey by surprise.
"Tony, I've seen you around kids at charity events, you're always smiling every time they come up to you asking for high fives or autographs," Rhodey states. "It's different," Tony tries to explain, leaning against the pole he was holding, "they're other people's kids. I don't if it would be the same around my own." "You wouldn't know till it happens," Steve points out. "And that's the part that scares me," Tony confesses, "what if...what if they're raised the same way I was? What if I end up turning into my father?" There was a moment of silence before Tony continued, "my dad may have been a great man and all but he was a lousy father if I was being honest. Half his genes are mine so there's a good deal the cycle will repeat itself."

"If that's what worries you, maybe you should talk about this to (y/ n)," Steve suggests, "at least find a way to help her understand what's going on in your head."
After a nice afternoon with the ladies, you came back home. You went into the bedroom to find Tony, much to your surprise, lying on the bed, reading a book, "oh good, you're home," he notices. "Have you been waiting for me here this whole time?" You ask. "Pretty much," Tony replies, closing the book, sitting up, "we need to talk."

You sit down beside him, "alright, talk. I'm listening," you say. "Firstly, I know how much you want to have children, I really do," Tony begins, "I...May have lied about not wanting children, but that was more of a lie to myself," you seemed somewhat confused so Tony continued, "I do think about us starting a family, but when I do think about it....I get scared they'll grow up and I'll miss it all because I was too busy doing other things the same way my old man used to. Truthfully I'm not even sure I'm fit to be a father given my personal upbringing."
You think you were starting to understand why Tony was so reluctant to raise children now. You take his hand in yours, "you're not going to be like your father, Tony," you say confidently, "if anything you'd be an amazing father." "How would you know?" Tony frowns, "Hell, I don't even know." "I've seen you interact with kids before," you point out, "remember when that new playground was being open and you showed up as Iron Man just for all those kids? You made them so happy that day. I know you don't think it, but you have paternal instincts. You'd go to great lengths to see those kids happy."
"What if I do start to neglect them?" Tony asks. "I'll be there to make sure that doesn't happen," you tell him, "we'll raise those children together." That made Tony smile a little, "I'm still not sure, but I'll think about it." "Really?" You ask feeling hopeful. "I will," Tony said and meant it,

" the wedding still on?" You think before you answer, "yes it's still on," you nod. Tony pulls you into a hug, followed by a kiss. "You know," you begin, "since we did just get over a fight, what would you say we practice on the baby making in the form make-up sex?" Tony perked up at that and immediately rummaged through the nightstand before pulling out a condom, "I say let's practice away."

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