Training the Next Generation Part 3

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------The Next Morning-----------

"So I'm guessing you're little stunt with snatching the flags while (y/s/n)'s pants were down didn't fly so well, princess," America remarks to Kate as them and the rest of the Young Avengers sit at the table eating breakfast, except for Kate who didn't seem to be in the mood for any sustenance. "Uh...I really don't want to talk about it," Kate shakes her head, "I saw things....things kids are age should NEVER see of their heroes." "She couldn't have looked that bad," Tommy comments, slight smirk on his face, "all wet and naked...was probably soaping herself from breast to feet..." Tommy stops when he notices the others giving him some rather strange looks.

"She wasn't soaping herself up," Kate grimaces, "And she wasn't alone." Now that got everyone else's attention. "She had a guy in there?" Teddy asks. "Uh...not exactly," Kate answers. "A girl?" America presses. " was kinda sorta all of the above," Kate slowly puts into words, "One of them had red hair...and the other was my mentor."
The young team made noises that seemed to combine shock and possibly disgust. "I know," Kate nods, "That image was so embedded in my head I couldn't even get five minutes of sleep last night."

"Well, guess that's that," Cassie speaks up, "We have less than three hours to get those flags and we're no closer to getting the drop in on our supposed teacher, we may as well tie ourselves to those poles right now and get it over with." "We can't just give up like that," Billy makes a stand, "Avengers don't quite. Our time may be limited, but that's when heroes are at their best. We can still pull this off. We need a new plan."
"Oh screw this," Tommy stands, "We don't have time to plan, what we need is a bold frontal assault. I'll run so fast, (y/s/n) won't even have time to react." "Tommy wait," Cassie tries to stop the young speedster, "You can't just keep speeding your way through like you always do, she'll be-" before she could finish, Tommy speeds off. "Ugh, great there goes the element of surprise," America shakes her head. "Come on," Eli urges the team, "We may as well take advantage while Speed keeps our teacher distracted."


Meanwhile you were sitting in the gym, reading a rather adult novel, when you sensed the Young Avengers about to make their move once more to steal your flags, "Here we go again," you sigh to yourself, "Time to whip these young minds into shape."

Sure enough Tommy burst through the doors at top speed. You side step him then he proceeds to run circles around you. "Interesting," you think to yourself, "He must be attempting to psych me out; make me guess where and when he'll strike." Tommy keeps speeding around you in a circle until he decides now was the time to strike. He actually made direct contact and you falter to your knees. Highly confident he had this in the bag, Tommy slows up and reaches for the flags...but you grab him by the wrist, "You. Should never let your guard down, Speed, no matter how fast you are," you advise. Before he knew it, you pummel Tommy and tie him to the post.

The others arrive but quickly hide when they saw Tommy's plan of attack, or lack thereof, had failed. The rest of the team came at you one at a time. Each one you dodged, side stepped, and punched back; nobody seemed to get any closer to getting your flags.

"Haven't you kids had enough yet?" you ask in annoyance as you had Teddy pinned to the ground using your foot, "It's almost noon, and none of you are any closer to retrieving the flags then you were twelves hours ago." "Well how were any of us suppose to steal the flags when you were expecting us all the damn time?" Eli points out, "We came at you from different directions and each time we had nothing to show for it." "I expected you all to come at me one at a time," you explain, "What I was hoping was that you would come for the flags as a team." "Uh hello, that's what we've been doing," Kate exasperates. "Have you?" you counter, "Each time I faced you it was only one person at a time and even when they were was two," you turn to Billy, "that was to be expected. You all act like individuals, but you can't afford that sort of luxury on a team; you have to act as one, otherwise you may as well go at it alone."

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