Kneel!- Loki

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This idea popped into my head while I was on vacation (actually it occurred before but I finally have a chance to write it). Anyway, it's heavily inspired by the anime Inuyasha, where the relationship between Loki and the reader is sorta like the one with Inuyasha and Kagome.
So, for the breakdown, Loki is not dead in this one, he's still alive and well. But he has to wear this necklace (like what Inuyasha wears) and it allows the reader to command Loki to kneel whenever he misbehaves (instead of sit since Loki's not a dog, or a dog demon).

 Also, the Runaways will have cameos in this one (I'm not sure if the Hulu series is canonically part of the MCU, but we'll say it is for all intensive purposes). Might have a suggestive innuendo or two.

It was just another morning in the Avengers facility. You were leisurely strolling to the kitchen when you trip on a small wire. The wire turned out to be trigger which caused a bucket of expired milk to fall on you. "Ugh!" you cry out in disgust, "What the hell?" "Uh oh," you hear a certain voice you'd grown accustomed to, and turn your gaze towards Loki with the biggest glare he'd seen so far, "Loki!" you sneer through your teeth. "Now look, in my defense I thought you were Hawkeye," he hastily defends himself, "I swear, (y/n), you were not the target, let's not do anything we'll both regret especially me."

"KNEEL!" you shout. Instantly the necklace Loki was wearing glowed, and forced Loki onto his knees...well it actually more forced him to fall flat on his face. "Kneel! Kneel! Kneel! Kneel!" you shout more for good measure, which caused Loki to leave a sizable imprint on the kitchen floor. "What's going on here?" You hear Steve's voice as he and Clint enter the kitchen, "Oh," was all he said when he witnessed Loki face down on the floor, "Loki what did you do this time?" "I swear, I didn't do anything," Loki weakly insisted. "The clumps of expired milk dripping off (y/n) say differently," Clint smirks. "That was meant for you, bird," Loki explains, shakily getting back on his feet.

This really wasn't anything new for Loki, but it didn't make it any less painful. Ever since Loki came back to earth, part of his punishment for what he did in New York was having to wear this necklace of subjugation that was loaned to the Avengers by Dr. Strange. Loki was none too happy about it initially, and he actually ran away afterwards with the team hunting him down.


"Any sign of him?" Steve inquire through his communication device as the team had spread out to look for Loki. "Nothing so far," you respond through yours, but then suddenly catch sign of Loki, running into an alley, "Wait, I think I see him."

You run into the alley to find the trickster about to climb the fire escape, "Loki, what do you think your doing?" "What's it look like, mortal, I'm trying escape this place," he answers like it's obvious, "I told Thor it was not a good idea to come back to Earth, but he wouldn't listen, so now I'm leaving." "You're not going anywhere," you demand, "And I'm not letting you leave." Loki snorted in disbelief at that, "Try and stopped me, little mortal." Your nostrils flare in anger; it was then you remembered that Loki was still wearing the were the one to put it on him actually. Since the necklace was only activated by whoever place it around its wearer's neck, the team collectively agreed that you'd be his keeper so to speak. "Kneel," you utter. Suddenly Loki fell face down on the fire escape, "What?" he looked up in surprise. He got back up and started to charge at you, "How dare you use my words against me you little-" "kneel," you say again in a firmer tone; the necklace glowed again and Loki fell face down off the fire escape. Shakily getting back up, he tugged on the necklace in an attempt to remove, all to no avail.

"Take it off," he demands. "Why?" you cross your arms, "Why would I do anything like that for you when you caused people on this planet nothing but pain?" Loki stares you rather angrily, "Listen you, I'm in a rather good mood today, believe it or not, and if you're smart you'll do as I say or risk the wrath of-" "Kneel," you smirk. Loki falls face down. "Not so much fun when the tables are turned, eh?" you smirk, "Now  then, if you're as smart as you claim to be you'll make this easier on yourself and come with me back to the compound."  

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