Size Does(n't) Matter- Tony Stark/Peter Parker

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This was requested by magicxesthetics who wanted me to write a one-shot that deals with bullying and weight issues. The reader is in high school (around Peter's age) and she's also Tony's daughter, and she gets faces bulling because her body image isn't considered ideal to her status if you will. I may have taken a few liberties with this one but it's what popped into my head.

Since this deals with bullying and body image issues, I'm obligated to issue a trigger warning along with a swear word or three.

(y/b/n)- your bully's name

"Hello, old friend," you glare at the weight scale on the bathroom floor, "It's been awhile." You weren't wearing much so you were somewhat hopeful that the results from the scale would be in your favor. Taking a deep breath you stand on top. "What?" you read the scales, "oh come on! All I had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the last three days was fruits and veggies, stop lying to me!!"

-------meanwhile: -------

"You son of a bitch!" your frustration was heard all the way from the kitchen. "Oh no," Pepper, your new step-mother, grimaces slightly. "What, what's going on?" Rhodey frowns in a confused manner. "Sounds like (y/n) is having an argument with the scales again."
There was a banging sound that reverberated across the walls, "that'll teach you to lie to me about my weight, you bucket of bolts!" you scream from the bathroom.
"I thought she gave up on the whole diet craze a long time ago," Rhodey comments, "What changed?" "Might have something to do with prom coming around the corner," Pepper theorizes, "(y/n)'s had her sights set on this cute dress she found, but didn't exactly fit her, and now she's been going on some crazy juice cleanse with hopes of being able to slip into it."
"She's not starving herself is she?" Rhodey questions with concern. Another thud was heard across the hall, "God, I hope not," Pepper mumbles.

"Hey, Rhodes, Pep," you greet, all dressed as if to go out for a run, "I'm just going out for a jog, I'll be back in two to three miles." you close the door. Pepper stood up from the table, knowing what was to come, "We better relocate the sweets and carbs to the freezer."


Despite for running for God knows how long, you kept pushing yourself; you were near to the point of falling on your knees and fainting, you were not about to give up. You were going to squeeze into that dress for prom even if it kills you...especially after that bitch at school humiliated you in front of the whole school with her pig comments.


You ran as fast as you could after the humiliation of being by fat-shammed by the one and only (y/b/n) who's only purpose it seemed was to put down anyone that didn't fit the impossibly modern standards of beauty; especially anybody related to anyone as famous as your father.

"Ugh, look at that pig shoving sweet shit into her hole," she scoffs mockingly towards you while you were munching on some M&Ms, her posse of mindless drones nodding in agreement, "and she's suppose to be the daughter of Tony Stark. Yeah right," she snorts, "she's gotta be adopted, it's the only explanation. No way the Stark could ever beget a fat, ugly pig like that. Bet none of the money her 'father' offered would get any of the guys to ask her to the prom."

The words still cut deep even as you head for the back of the school where you hoped you could cry your eyes out without anyone knowing you were deeply wounded.

"(y/n)?" you heard a familiar voice that belonged to a certain Peter Parker. You quickly stood up and wiped the tears from your eyes, "hey," you sniff a little. "Have you been crying?" Peter asked with concern. "no, no," you quickly shake your head in denial, "it's just allergies is all. Wait, what are you doing here?"
"I uh, just..." Peter couldn't find the words to form his excuse. "You're not ditching during school hours to do your Spider-man gig are you?" you frown. "No, no," Peter hastily assures, "but I was wondering if you found anyone to ask to the prom?" "No," you shake your head, "Didn't think anyone would ask me." "Well actually-" "But you know what, that's fine with me," you assure, ignoring what Peter was trying to say, "I'm gonna go by myself, and I'm gonna make sure I'll be the prettiest, desirable, sexist girl there. There's this dress I've had my eyes on, I wasn't able to fit into it when I tried it on, but that's okay. All I gotta do is drop six pounds at the least and I'll fit into that dress no muss no fuss."

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