The Star-Tony Stark

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Another Bojack Horseman inspired one-shot. I was thinking about Bojack's relationship with Sarah Lynn (which for you Bojack fans know she represents the Hollywood child star that turns into a hot mess later in life because they can't cope with the fame that was given to them at a young age).

I was thinking what if the reader is like Sarah Lynn and knew Tony for pretty much her whole life. Read more to find out what happens in this story.

Language, drug use, and other stuff. We also get a guest appearance from one of the X-men. Enjoy.


"Tony!" your eight-year old self shouts with glee as you approach a young Tony who was around nineteen at this time. "Hey, cupcake!" Tony says back, pulling you into a hug, though looking reluctant as he did so, "How's the modeling world treating you?" "Good," you answer, "it's tiring though." "Alright, sweetheart, enough bothering the boy," your mother scolds, "We don't plan to stay here long, Tony, I just want to pay a short visit with your dad before we take for our next gig."
"He's in the middle of a meeting right now Mrs. (y/l/n)," Tony informs. "Oh, I'm sure it's not as important as seeing an old friend," you mother insists barging into the conference room.

You stand there alone with Tony, "Oh, I guess I'm the babysitter now," he says, "You don't have anyone at home to look after you right now?" "Just my mom's boyfriend," you shrug, "but he's been acting weird." "Well I don't see how that's my problem, but I guess I don't have much of a choice," Tony shrugs.

"We're on the same boat you and me, you know that?" Tony says. "I don't get it," you seem confused. "You and me, our parents couldn't give a shit about either us," Tony explains, "I thought you should know that right now while you're still young and you won't have to learn this the hard way. I know you'll become something big when you grow up and you won't be able to depend on the people around as much as you want to. The people who look up to you, your fans, they're the only ones you got. Your family will never understand you, your lovers will leave or try to change you and they'll leave you even if they do. But your fans? You be good to them and they'll be good to you. It's important to remember that no matter what, you don't stop dancing, or singing or whatever tricks you end up doing, you give the people what they want even if it empties you out and ultimately kills you in the process. Do you understand?"

Needless to say, your eyes were filled with horror by the time your mother came out of the conference room with Howard Stark.

"I want to be an inventor like Tony," you say when and you mother leave. "Pfft, sweetheart," your mothers tsks, "Mommy didn't get on her knees in front of that talent agent so you could become an inventor. You know full well inventing is a man's game anyway, you would never survive that world."

---------End of Flashback-------

"Tell me again why Stark's idea of quality team bonding was to go to a furniture store?" Clint questions as the team walked into said store.

"Who knows what goes through this man's mind," Natasha shrugs, "Also the couch in the TV room has experienced one too many chocolate milk spills when Banner Hulks out." "Didn't Tony pin the blame on Thor for those spills?" Steve asks. "Yeah I think he did," Sam quips in, "This would be a good time to ask Stark for one of those massage couches. He's got the money for it."

"Hey, guys, over here," Tony calls out, "Do you think this couch would look good in the screen room?"
Before anyone could answer, a couple girls nearby squeal in excitement, "OMG!" one of the girls exclaims, "It's (y/n) and Angel!" Right on cue you walked into the store, wearing sunglasses and scrolling through Instagram on your phone while your boyfriend Warren Worthington III signed autographs for the fan girls.

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