Avengers Radio Part 3

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There may be some light innuendo in this one. It basically quotes a joke or two from the Vicar of Dibely episode.

The day before the next meeting, you head to your living room with a large box and start rummaging through the contents inside when Peter pops in through the window. "Whatcha doing?" he asks. "Going through this box in hopes of finding the most mind-blowing prize for best broadcaster," was your reply, "At this point, I'd have better luck persuading the Hulk to put on a dress for the day." Peter smirks at that mental image then notices a piece of paper next to your phone. "What's this?" he asks picking it up. "Oh it's just a poem for a contest concerning Ben and Jerry's ice cream. The second place winner gets a two months supply of Ben and Jerry's ice cream with their flavor of choice." "Well uh it's...pretty descriptive," Peter observes. "That's what I was going for," you continue to rummage through the box. "Ah, this takes me back," you grab a VHS box set of Star Wars, "Autographed by George Lucas himself." Peter frowns slightly, "How old are you again?" "Old enough to drink and that's all you need to know," you pat Peter on the head, "Seriously, Peter, you shouldn't those kinds of questions to a woman; you'll live longer that way." You suddenly hear the phone ring. "I'll get it," Peter gets up to answer the phone, "(Y/N) residence," he begins, "It's the people from that Ben and Jerry's contest," he tells you, "You didn't win the second prize." "Ugh, dammit," you groan, "Probably shouldn't have mentioned orgasms in my poem." "Wait...you won their first prize!" Peter exclaims. "What?" you reply incredulously, "give me that," you take the phone from him. "I won their first prize!" you exclaim five seconds later, "$2,000 dollars and two park-hopper tickets to Disney World!" "Congratulations," Peter says excitedly. "This couldn't be anymore perfect," you continue, "I just found the most mind-blowing prize for the Avengers radio broadcast, this is amazing! Let's celebrate!" "How?" Peter asks. "with Ben and Jerry's ice cream of course," you tell him.

----------------The Next Day----------------------

The majority of the Avengers were able to make it to the meeting this time along with Fury. All eyes were turned toward you at this moment. "So (y/l/n)," Fury addresses you, "I trust you have everything in order for this radio nonsense." "Everything is coming together nicely," you tell them, "We will go on air first thing tomorrow." "And I assume you managed to find a decent prize," Fury further questions, "Maybe not quite as mind-blowing like you promised." "Yeah you're probably right," you reply than continue with growing excitement, "I mean all I was able to come up with was only two tickets to Disney World and $2,000 spending money!" Everyone cheers to that bit of news. "Thank you, thank you," you take a bow. "Alright everyone, calm down," Fury interrupts the cheers, "I suppose as prizes go it's impressive but you really think a trip to a beloved children's theme park will excite a room of grown adults?" Right than, Sam gets up and starts singing "Hakuna Matata" from The Lion King. Scott, and Clint, join in. "Rogers, Romanoff! Say something sensible!" Fury orders. Steve and Natasha break out signing "Love is an Open Door" from Frozen. T'challa, Thor, and Bucky get up and start singing "The Bear Necessities" from The Jungle Book. Than Pietro and Wanda start singing "Under the Sea" from The Little Mermaid. Fury has enough and pounds the table to get everyone's attention. "Alright, alright, point taken," he says, "so we have a prize, hallelujah. Next is item four-" "All due respect sir, screw item four," Clint says getting up, "I'm gotta get a head start and start practicing my microphone technique." "Me too!" Pietro quips. Suddenly the guys get up, form a conga line, and leave singing "High-Ho," from Snow White. "I hope you're satisfied, (y/l/n),Fury glares at you. "I kind of am, actually," you say grinning. "You should be, considering you got a bunch of grown men to simultaneously get in touch with their inner child," Natasha compliments.

----------------------Time Skip To The Next Day At The Radio Station--------------------------

At the radio station, the Avengers that needed to be there were present. "Alright everyone, in less than a minute, we'll be going on air," you announce, "Let's quickly go over what our positions our. Clint you are?" "The sound man, man," Clint replies. "Good," you say than move to Peter, "Peter, what are you doing?" "Sitting here and monitor calls," Peter tells you. "Good," you move to the team members sitting by the microphones, "Steve, Sam, Natasha, and Wanda, you four will be answering questions and lastly," you turn to Tony and Scott, "you two-" "are your posse," The two men reply at the same time. "Good, and what does it mean when that red light is on?" you point to the light bulb. "You're a prostitute," Tony starts laughing and you whack him upside the head. "You're already gonna be in hot water for your little debate segment stunt tomorrow, you cannot afford any injuries before then," you scold.

"Twelve seconds," Peter announces. Immediately you take your place at the station and count down. Once you reach signal, you give Clint the cue to put on the jingle you whip up at the last minute for the Avengers radio. "Good evening, Manhattan," you begin once the song ends, "You are currently tuned in to Avenger's radio. That's right, I'm talking about THE Avengers; Earth's mightiest heroes live on the radio for the next seven days. I'm your host and fellow team member, (y/n) but you probably know me better as (y/s/n). Also during the our time here, you'll get to listen to a variety of all our favorite music, which could range from the old-time music of Captain America to the surprisingly heavy-metal rock music of the mighty Thor. Anyway to start off the night, we will be taking up questions via the phone. Over here taking your questions will be Captain America, Falcon, Black Widow, and last but not least the Scarlet Witch." you pause for a second, "We are taking calls, starting right now."

"Now, now don't be shy," you continue, "We don't bite. You can ask anything. A favorite color, a favorite memory. Hey, could even ask about a favorite kitchen utensil. That could be a thing." Peter waves his hand at you to point out that you have a incoming call. "Oh, I see we have our first call coming in on line 1. Hello caller." "Hey, hey, (y/s/n)," you hear a woman's voice from the other end of the phone, "This isn't an actual question, but I wanted to say something to Scarlet Witch." "I'm all ears," Wanda says into the mic. "Well," the woman begins, "I just wanted to say you're my favorite hero. I know people think you're scary but I think the way you work magic is very badass. You're an inspiration. In fact, I dressed up as you for comic con." Wanda wasn't sure what to say so she speaks into the mic, "Oh...well it's very kind that you don't think I'm scary. Thank you." "Ooh, I see there's another caller coming in, hello," you state, "Hello," you hear a man's voice this time, "This questions is directed to Captain America," Steve perks up at this, "Well, firstly, I am a big fan. My grandfather fought in World War 2 also. Second I want to know what you're relationship is currently with the Winter Soldier?" "To clarify," you ask the caller, "By relationship are you referring to friendship or...something slightly more?" That made Steve blush a little, "Either or I won't judge," the man replies. "Bucky and I are just friends," Steve simply replies, "We always had each others backs since we were kids in Brooklyn." "And that hasn't change despite the Soldier's reputation as a traitor and a criminal?" the caller asks. "Hey, man," Sam quips in defensively, "Barnes may be a jerk, but he's one of the best guys we have on the team. Whatever he did...or didn't do in the past, he's a good man, and I'm proud to fight by his side everyday." "Huh. I'm a little surprised you two haven't ended up together," you say cheekily, "Okay, another incoming call." This Q&A goes on for another half hour. "Okay, we have to take a short break," you announce as Tony hands you a piece of paper which you read, "Until than, I just got a request from Iron Man for us to play ACDC's 'Back in Black,' so uh here you go.     

To be continued

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