Fear Becomes Reality Part 3

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Final Part. Enjoy.

"Tony!" you cry out as the billionaire was grabbed by the Ultron bots and pulled through the walls. More arms broke through the wall and then grabbed Bruce. "Bruce, not you too!" you reach for Bruce and try to pull him from the grasp of the robots. Steve, Thor, and Natasha assist.

"I think would be a good time to unleash the Hulk," Thor suggests. "Don't you think I'm trying?!" Bruce exclaims. He really was trying to bring out the Hulk, but it was the Thanos incident all over again, "He doesn't want to come out. Why now of all times?!" "Should we try falling through the floor again?" Vision suggests. "Sure if you think you can phase us all through the concrete and through the earth beneath us," Sam responds with sarcasm, "If we're lucky we might actually make to the center of the Earth." "This is hardly the time for jokes," Vision lightly retorts. "Sorry, I tend to get sarcastic during these situations," Sam states.

"This is getting us nowhere," Thor states as he twirls his hammer and directs lightning at the robots. More just show up, but were disintegrated by Vision and Wanda. It was too late as the survivors grabbed and dragged Bruce away to wherever they took Clint and Tony. As quick as the robots came, they disappeared just like that. "Where did they go?" Rhodey wonders out loud. "It's like they just vanished into thin air," Natasha adds.

You tried to activate your powers again, but nothing was happening. "Dammit," you mutter, "Come on, powers, just one sliver would suffice. Of all the times for this happen." "Everything okay?" Wanda asks, noticing the frustrated look on your face. "I'm fine," you huff out, "Just keep wondering why my powers are still not working." "What exactly did Tony mean when he said you not being to use your powers was all connected to what's happening right now?" Steve frowns a little at that. You notice the others were staring at you as well. "Pfft, don't look at me, how should I know?" you scoff a little defensively, "It's not like I have any control over this situation at all."

"Well, we can probably figure it out later," Steve replies, "Maybe right now, we should focus on trying to get the power back on." "The power generator that lights this whole place is a few halls from here," Rhodey directs, "it'll probably be crawling with Ultron's minions right about now." "Should we try the vents again?" Thor suggests. "No, too risky," Steve shakes his head, "Not with the wind current that came out of nowhere in there."
"Perhaps we can offer a distraction," Vision suggests, "A select few of us could lure them away from the generator while the rest go in and restore the power."
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea," Sam adds, "Question is, who's gonna be the bait?"


"Should've kept my mouth shut," Sam mutters as he, Thor, Steve and Wanda walk straight to the power generator. Sure enough, there was a plethora of Ultron bots attempting to pry the doors to the generator open. These particular doors usually could only be opened via voice activation, but since the power was out, they would have to be opened manually. 

Losing to a quick round of rock, paper, scissors, Sam was the unfortunate soul who had to draw the robots in so Thor, and Wanda could use their powers to disintegrate them. More came up and the three run off so as to lure them away from the doors.

Right then, you, Rhodey, Natasha, and Vision sneak over and get the doors opened.
Rhodey and Vision work on getting the generator back on while the rest of you stand guard.
Sometime later, there was screaming, but it wasn't just a random scream...it was the screams of your teammates getting overwhelmed by Ultron once more. You start to panic, "Can't you guys get that generator up and running any faster?" you ask with a strained toned, trying to suppress your fear.  

"We're working on it at full speed," Rhodey retorts, "ironically it would actually be a lot easier to work on the generator if there was something to work on." "What do you mean exactly?" Natasha frowns a little. "What Colonel Rhodes is saying is that the generator appears to be undamaged," Vision sums up, "We can find nothing to fix." "But if that's the case, why did the power go out in the first place?" Nat wonders out loud. "Is there another power source that fuels the facility?" you ask. "This is the primary generator," Rhodey explains, "The moment this on goes out, all power to the compound if cut off." "But then....how...?"

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