Gossip- Sam Wilson

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This one-shot is loosely based on an episode from The Big Bang Theory in which the reader is in a relationship with Sam and there is talk amongst the Avengers that she is thinking about ending things with him. For the record I wasn't sure whom to do this one-shot about but in the end I chose Sam.

It was a normal day at the Avenger's Facility; everyone was going about doing their own thing. Bucky and Steve had just finished their sparring session in the gym. "Well that was quite the work-out," Steve says grabbing a water bottle. "Would have been nicer if Wilson was here," Bucky replies wiping sweat off his face with a towel. "You're just saying that so you can try and use him as a punching bag again," Steve smirks. "I wasn't trying to use him for a punching bag," Bucky says defensively, "I was punching a punching bag and he just happened to get in the way." Steve just rolls his eyes in response. "Speaking of Wilson I did here some interesting information concerning him and (y/n) from Tony," Bucky continues. "I never took you to be one for gossip, Buck," Steve states. "Stark mentioned it might help revive my rusty social skills." "Right cause Stark is an expert in all things social," Steve mutters, "alright, I'll bite, what juicy gossip is circulating about Sam?" "Well based on what Stark told me, it seems (y/n) is thinking about ending her relationship with Sam." That got Steve's attention right quick. "Really?" he says surprised, "That's a shame, I always thought those two were cute together."

Later that day, Steve was hanging out at the bar with Natasha. "You know you could have asked Wanda or (y/n) to have a drink like you usually do," Steve says taking a sip. "Well Wanda was busy buying another pair of shoes for Pietro again and (y/n) would have brought Wilson with her and three is kind of a crowd." "I don't think it would seem likely she would have brought Sam with her now," Steve replies. "What do you mean?" Nat perks up. "Mmm, don't tell anyone what I'm about to say, but I heard she's thinking about ending things with Sam." "Really?" Nat says surprised, "I thought those two were cute together." "That's exactly what I said," Steve points out, "Makes a guy wonder what went wrong, I mean they've been together almost two years now." "Knowing Sam it could have been just about anything," Nat says taking a sip of her drink. "Wait how did you find out about this?" "Bucky told me and apparently he got it from Tony," was Steve's reply. "Leave it to Stark to start spreading rumors," Natasha rolls her eyes, "At least we can keep a secret."

The next day Wanda meets Natasha to spar in the gym. Natasha manages to get the upper hand on Wanda and pin her to the ground. "I win again," she smirks. "You really need to teach me how to do that," Wanda groans getting back up, "maybe later I can try it on (y/n), I could probably sneak up on her while she's on the couch making out with Sam again." "Uh, yeah, that may not be the best idea right now," Natasha says grabbing a water bottle. "What do you mean?" Wanda asks surprised. "Don't tell anyone, I said this, but Steve told me she's thinking about ending things with Sam." "Huh," Wanda says sipping from her water bottle, "Well I know someone who would be happy to hear that news." "Who?" "My brother," Wanda replies, "He has a huge crush on (y/n)," That made Nat spit out her water. "No way." "It's true," Wanda confirms, "Every time she walked past him, I could I've sworn I've seen him drool a little. Never stopped talking about her for two months straight before she started dating Sam."

Around lunchtime, Wanda had met up with Pietro and Vision to make sandwiches. "You seem awfully quiet, Wanda," Vision takes notice, "Is there something on your mind?" "Oh it's nothing really," Wanda replies, "but I did just hear some rather unsettling information regarding (y/n) and Sam." Pietro speeds right next to Wanda, "What kind of unsettling information?" he asks enthusiastically. "Hmm, maybe I should tell you after lunch," Wanda puts the sandwiches on a tray. "Awwww, please, sister, tell me now," Pietro urges, "Ugh, fine," she groans, "Natasha told me she heard from Steve that (y/n) is planning to end things with Sam." "Really?" Pietro starts grinning ear to ear, "Interesting." Wanda just scowls at her brother.

Throughout the day, this piece was gossip was spread to the other Avengers. Pietro told Scott, Scott told Clint and Bruce, Vision told Thor, Thor told T'challa, and Bruce told Tony when they were working on some project in the lab. "Wait a second," Tony says, "I already knew that, how did you find out?" "Well," Bruce begins, "I heard from Scott, Scott heard from both the Maximoffs, Wanda heard from Natasha, and Natasha heard it from Steve-" "Who probably heard it from Barnes," Tony realizes, placing a palm on his face, "I told him it was not to go any further than our ears. Never thought a quiet guy like him would be one to start spreading gossip." Bruce raises an eyebrow at Tony. "Well maybe it's for the best," Tony says, "Kid could probably do better." "You think a speedy, cheeky Sokovian bastard would have been a better match for (y/n) than the flying bird man?" Bruce asks. "You're kidding, Pietro likes (y/n)?" "I didn't say that," Bruce tries to deny. "He does doesn't he? I knew it!" Tony exclaims. "You better not mention this to Sam, I don't imagine he take that information very well," Bruce warns. "Hey, trust me, I can keep a secret," Tony says. "You were the one who told Barnes in the first place," Bruce points out. "In confidence," Tony says defensively.

Around dinner, Pietro, Steve, Clint, Tony, and Bruce were the only ones able to make it to dinner when Sam showed up. "Hey guys," Sam greets all happy-go-lucky as he takes a seat at the table. "Someone looks like he's in a good mood," Clint points out. "Maybe a little," Sam admits. "How are things between you and (y/n)?" Steve asks. "As great as they can be," Sam replies, "In fact they're about to get even better." The guys lean in, giving Sam their undivided attention. "Spare us no detail, Wilson," Tony tells him. "I'm going to propose to (y/n)," the guys each had a look of surprise and confusion. "You're going to propose to (y/n)?" Bruce asks shocked. "Yep," Sam smiles, "just bought the ring and I plan to pop the question tomorrow at dinner." "Um, buddy, are you sure you want to-" "Don't ruin his moment, Steve," Pietro interrupts, "We'll all be there and no one's going to stop you." "Thanks guys, I really appreciate this." Sam finishes eating and heads to the lounge area. The guys were still in shock. "That girl is going to break his heart isn't she?" Tony asks. "Yep," Pietro replies, smirking, "It's going to be terrible." "What's with the smile, Maximoff?" Clint notices. "It's not a smile," Pietro says nervously.

Throughout the next day, there was talk amongst the team that Sam was planning to propose to you. The general consensus was that you were going to reject his proposal and break his heart in more ways than one. Around dinner, Sam had ordered take-out for everyone on him. With the team seated and eating, you notice Sam had been looking at you from time to time. He looked nervous, as if he had something he wanted to tell you something important.

Right when everyone was nearly finished Sam approached you. "What are you doing, dear?" you asked not knowing what to expect. "Well," he begins, "I just thought with everyone here this would be a good time to do this." he gets on one knee. "What's happening?" you asked surprised. "Ooh, here it comes," Pietro says excitedly before Wanda elbowed him in the gut. Sam holds out a diamond ring, "(y/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n)," Sam begins, "I know things haven't always been perfect between us but I love you and,these last two years, you've made me the happiest I've ever been. So, what I'm trying to say is, will you marry me?" The team looks at you and Sam expectedly. "Yes!" you exclaim, "Yes, I will marry you, Sam!" Sam gets up and spins you around before pulling you into a kiss, "I love you so much, babe," he says. "I love you too," you say back.

When you pulled away, you notice the whole team had shocked looks on their faces. "Wait, you said yes?" Clint asks surprised. "Of course I said yes," you reply, "why wouldn't I?" The team exchange glances with one another. "Is there something you guys aren't telling us?" you put your hands on your hips and Sam glares at the team. One by one they all confess about a certain rumor circulating around the group that you were planning on breaking up with Sam. You and Sam have shocked looks. "Why would I break up with Sam?" you frown, "Wait, who even started this rumor in the first place?" All fingers point to Tony which made him laugh nervously. You make a death glare at Tony. "You might want to start running, man," Sam suggests. Tony wisely takes that advice and practically sprints out of the kitchen. You would have gone after him but Sam had just put the engagement ring on your finger and you didn't want to ruin this perfect moment.






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