A Bold Stance Part 1

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Yay! I have over 500K views for this book!! So to celebrate, I have something planned that's new, daring, and quite relevant...well maybe it's not all that new and maybe not as daring...but it IS relevant in some circles.

Anyway, this three-part one-shot (maybe four depending on how long I make this) is partially inspired from the Bojack Horseman episode "Bojack the Feminist" and it also kinda crosses over with feminist show The Bold Type (watch it on Freeform if you want to know the basic synopsis). 

For the plot of this story, the Avengers are kinda sorta forced to recruit a local superhero to become part of their team, who exhibits some...problematic traits. When news catches on, the reader, who works for Scarlet is asked to write an article about this potential Avenger. She's also friends with the Avengers, particularly Tony like how Diane is friends with Bojack.

Some language and feminist stuff (Not really a warning, but maybe it is for anyone who reads that doesn't identify as a feminist).

-------Scarlet Magazine-------------

"(y/n)! Will you please come into my office, I need to talk to you," you hear that familiar voice coming from the big glass office as you were about to add the final touches to your latest article.

"You wanted to see me ma'am?" you inquire of your boss, the head of Scarlet herself. "Yes, I'm glad you could make it," Jacqueline answers. "I was just finished writing that article about vigilante ethics and female superheroes. It'll be published by tomorrow morning, I guarantee." "That's good, but that's not why I called you in here," Jacqueline says, "We have word a superhero has been roaming New York recently and word on the street is he's been invited to join the Avengers." "Okay? I'm not quite following, a lot of heroes are invited to be part of the Avengers what's so special about this guy?" you frown, "Is he one of those self-proclaimed male feminists?" "Not exactly," Jacqueline shakes her head, "If anything, his actions indicate he's quite the opposite. From your last job, you were close to the original Avengers like Iron Man, Captain America, and Black Widow. So with your personal history, I want you to ask them what's prompted them to recruit such a...problematic person."

"I guess I can find time to see them this week," you agree, "Who is this hero they're planning to recruit? He can't be all that bad." "Um, have you heard of a hero called...Banger Man?" "Oh no," you groan, "That guy? Uh, maybe it would be better if you get someone else to talk to them." "(y/n), did you not just agree to do the interview?" Jacqueline points out, "Part of your job does include having to step out of your comfort zone every once in awhile." "I know, but..." you sigh somewhat miffed, "Okay. I'll do it."

It was safe to say you were no longer looking forward to this interview. Before becoming a superhero, Banger Man, or Will Firestein as most knew him when he was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, had a reputation. Let's just say Human Resources spent a significant amount of time filing  complaints about this guy from groping the female agents to trying to shove his tongue down their throats, especially the mentees whom he thought owed him. He would've tried the same thing with you if you didn't give him the chance to be alone in the same room with him. It was no surprise Firestein's antics only got worse once he rose to the ranks of superhero status, you weren't even sure why this guy was allowed to do hero work in the first place.

This was going to be a long interview, and it was going to be a longer week once this article gets published.


You were holed up in the giant fashion closet, sipping some bubble tea when three of your favorite people walk in, looking like they had some problems of their own. You shrink behind one of the coat racks, not feeling like engaging in conversation.

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