Massage- Wanda Maximoff

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I now have over 4,000 views. Hooray and thank you.  I'll celebrate with a Wanda one-shot. Cute fluff; possibly steamy, depending on how dirty your mind is I suppose.

It was one of those days; you and select members of the team had just got back from a rather difficult mission, and your joints ached from head to toe. You had considered taking a nice, hot bath, but the idea of standing around waiting for a tub to fill with water sounded exhausting in of itself. Right now all you wanted to do was just rip off your suit and fall into the softness of your memory foam mattress.
Once you wearily found your way to your bedroom, you stripped down to your panties and flopped into the bed; you were already out before you even hit the mattress.

Meanwhile, Wanda had seen to the others, and once they went their separate ways, she decided to call it a day. When she walked into her bedroom she found you fully asleep, and in your underwear. She jumped back stunned at first before she realized it was you. She wasn't sure what to do at first, so she nudged you on the calf. You stirred a little but didn't wake or budge from where you were laying. "(y/n)?" Wanda tried again, nudging you on the shoulder with the same light force.

You heard a female voice call your name but you were so achy and exhausted, you didn't even want to so much as open your eyes; you didn't even care if whoever was there was seeing you half-naked. "(y/n)," you hear you name again, with a slightly raised voice, followed by someone shaking your shoulder with greater force then before. Reluctantly, you opened your (y/e/c) eyes to see Wanda looking down on you with a rather weird expression; rightfully so considering the state you were in.

"What the hell are you doing in my bedroom, Wanda?" you ask groggily and somewhat grumpily, having been disrupted from sleep. "Uh, this is my bedroom," Wanda replies with a chuckle. "This is your room?" you frown, then look around, only to realize everything was completely different from what you were used to. Yep, you had definitely walked in, stripped, and fell asleep in the wrong room.

Your head fell back into Wanda's pillow, weary and unwilling to move. "Please don't make me leave just yet," you sleepily plead, "I know this request sounds weird but it's been a long day, I'm so tired, I ache all over, and I just want a moment's peace to rest-" you were cut off by Wanda placing a hand on the small of your back. "Hey, it's okay," she assured, gently rubbing your back, which was surprisingly soothing, "I'm no stranger to coming back from one of THOSE missions. The ones were you ache from head to toe and the minute you fall into bed all you want is to sleep for a whole week." "Or the rest of your life," you sleepily quip which made Wanda chuckle. 

"You know, I have something that might help with the soreness," Wanda offered. "What exactly did you have in mind?" you ask. Wanda stepped away for a moment to grab something from the bathroom. In her hands she held a vile. "Is that one of them massage oils?" you ask. "It's helped me to soothe the pain in my back and joints, I thought it might help you," she explains. "I would like very much to take that offer," you reply.

Right then, Wanda got on the bed, and moved about till she was in the right place. Rubbing oil into her palms, she began to work on the lowest part of your back. You couldn't help but moan into her touch. "Wow, this feels good," you say as she works a knot in one part of your back. "See, it's working already," Wanda smiles. She continues to work from your back, then works on your calves. Then she moves upwards to work on your upper back and shoulders.

"Feeling better?" Wanda asks sweetly. By then you had fallen asleep. "(y/n)?" you feel her shake your shoulder again. "Hmm?" you mumble. "I was asking if you were feeling better," Wanda repeated her question. "Well," you say stretching a little, "I can move a little more freely without feeling sore." "I'm glad to see you're feeling better," Wanda comments.

"Hey, Wanda," you speak up, having an unusual idea in mind, "Would be willing to accept another request of mine?" "It's nothing kinky is it?" Wanda jokes. "I wouldn't call it kinky exactly," you admit, "but have you ever thought about working your actual magic on those fingers of yours during a massage?" "I never thought about it," Wanda replies, "But since you ask, I suppose it couldn't hurt to give it a try."

Wanda began rubbing your back again, and this time she started moving her magic through her palms and fingers. You could feel it course through your body. It felt like pure ecstasy. Her magic was not just relaxing it was pure pleasure. You couldn't stop yourself from letting out your moans, that's how good it felt. "Don't stop," you urge when you felt her retreating. She kept going and you weren't even sure when you fell asleep.

When you woke up the next morning you found Wanda lying right next to you. You turned around to check her clock, which showed it was almost eleven a.m. You felt Wanda stir right next to you. "Morning," she smiled. "Morning," you say, "I don't exactly remember falling asleep though." "I think it was a minute or two after you orgasmed," she replied. "Orgasm?" you say stunned. "Or something similar," Wanda shyly rephrased, "I guess I went a little overboard with the magic." "You don't need to apologize," you assure, "I was the one who asked you to use it, and granted it wasn't what I expected, but I still liked it." "Well you certainly look refreshed from last night," she chuckles. "Yeah," you agree, "We should have these kind of sessions more often." "I think that can be arranged," Wanda agreed, "in the meantime, what would you like to do today?" "Well I don't have to go anywhere today," you answer, "I think I'll just have a lazy day in bed." "I'll join you," Wanda says, snuggling next to you as you nuzzle into the pillows.

You close your eyes, smiling, feeling this may be the beginning of something intimate between you and Wanda.

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