Thank You for Helping Me- Natasha Romanoff

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For this one-shot the reader starts dating Natasha shortly after getting over a nasty breakup with a guy and something unexpected happens. Mentions of domestic violence should merit a warning along with mild swearing.  

You sat on the bathroom floor in complete shock, a white stick in your hand. The test came back positive and you knew the symptoms were a sign that you were in fact pregnant. Right at this moment you were going over your head how that was entirely possible seeing how the last several months you had been seeing a woman so that obviously left Natasha out. You hadn't been seeing other men so there was only one possible explanation.

When you had first met Natasha you were in a year-long relationship with a guy; the relationship seemed perfect on the outside but the inside was a completely different story. Usually your boyfriend was nice to you but if you ever so much as looked at another guy wrong or said something to piss him off, you were guaranteed a series of beatings. This usually led to you wearing clothing to cover your bruises the next day along with a skillful amount of make-up. You wanted to leave but you felt trapped, having no place to go or no one else to turn to; until you met the Black Widow anyways.

You met her one night in a bar, trying to drink your problems rather than face them while she was undercover for a S.H.I.E.L.D. assignment. In your drunken stupor she didn't want anyone to take advantage of you so she escorts you back to her place. When you woke up the next morning you found herself in a strange place with a strange woman you never met yet looked familiar. After rubbing your eyes you see that she's the Black Widow. You always admired her from afar and it felt unreal that she was right next to you. "Looked liked you had one hell of a day yesterday," she states. "I don't think you know the half of it," you reply rubbing your temples. After getting introductions out of the way you realized what time it was. "uh-oh I need to go," you hastily get up and start to almost run out of there, "nice to meet you." When you got back your boyfriend was waiting and he was not happy. He started lashing out, accusing you of cheating and calling you a slut. You couldn't take it anymore and struck him, having had it with the accusations. Just when he was about to hit you back, Natasha bursts in and beats him to the curb. You wasted no time getting out of there, "you and I are done," you tell him. "You and me are never done you little bitch," he sneers right before Natasha hits him square in the jawline knocking him out. 

"How did you know?" you ask her. "When you spend some time as a spy you pick up hints of what people do in their everyday lives," she explains, "this also includes signs of domestic violence." You look down sullen. "I wanted to leave him for so long," you say, "but I didn't have anywhere else to go. I used to convince myself that deep down he loved me but I could barely cope with the beatings." Natasha puts an arm around you, "don't worry," she assures you," "I'll help you get through this." "Thank you," you simply state.

Afterwards you filed a restraining order against your ex and Natasha started training you in self-defense. During that time the two of you grew close and eventually you and her became more than just friends. Several months into that relationship, you started to get sick nearly every morning. You also found yourself sleeping long hours and when you woke up you wanted to take naps later in the day. You didn't consider the possibility of pregnancy at the time since you were dating a woman now, that was until you noticed you were two weeks late.

That was when you took the test and here you were in the present sitting on the bathroom floor. You weren't completely sure what to do but you knew you should probably break the news to Natasha. "Sweetie, I'm back," you here her call from the front door of the apartment. "In here," you call back from the bathroom. She walks in to see you on the floor face full of concern. "I'm pregnant," you simply state. Natasha almost looked like she was about to laugh but than saw how serious you looked. "How?" she asks, "Unless I have this biology thing mixed up," "It's been almost four months," you explain, "Last time I did it with my ex was two days before we met. I guess we were a little reckless at the time." "What are you going to do?" she asks. "I'm not sure." you reply standing up and walk to the bedroom. "The whole time I was with him, despite the violence, I had thought we were meant to be together forever," you sigh sitting on the bed, "one of the things I had hoped for more than anything during that time was someday maybe I would become a mother. It's kind of funny the way things played out when you think about it." Natasha sits on the bed beside you. "Whatever you choose to do I'll support you." You take her hand, "If I choose to keep this baby would you help me raised it?" you ask her. Nat looks at you strangely. "It's just I remember that story you told me about the Red Room and how you can't have children. I thought maybe it would be that chance for both of us. Me to be a mother and you to raise a child you wouldn't been able to bear." "I'll have to think about it," she smiles.

Later that night Nat confides to you that she wanted to help you raise this baby, much to your excitement. The next couple months Natasha was very supportive of you. She would make sure you had what you needed, the two of you found another place to live with a nice room to turn into a nursery, she even came to your regular doctor's visits to see how your baby was growing. Three days before your baby was due, you laid in bed next to Natasha about ready to fall asleep. "I don't know how to thank you enough for everything your doing for me, Nat." You tell her. She smiles at that and places her hand on your bump. "An expectant mother needs all the support she needs." You felt strange pains in your abdomen, "speaking of support," you groan, "I think I'm about to go into labor."

Once you and Natasha arrive at the hospital your water breaks and you were admitted in no questions asked. Hours later your baby girl is born. As you hold her Natasha comes up to you and hand her the baby. She looks down at her and smiles; it was just a happy day for the red head as it was for you.


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