Functionally Dysfunctional-Loki

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Kinda another Bojack inspired one-shot. Basically, Loki wants to write a book and hires the reader to be his ghost writer. This goes on and then the reader gets a call from home about a death in the family and Loki comes to realize they seem to have plenty in common.


" don't have anything?!" the publisher exclaims in his office, Loki sitting right at the other end. "I see you managed to get the electricity back on," Loki points out. ""In case you didn't know Mr. Loki, but this company is on the verge of bankruptcy," the publisher tries to explain, "After making a series of bad investments, this book of yours is our last chance."

He takes deep breathes before continuing, "I know you're a busy man." "I am busy," Loki agrees, "I live an active lifestyle since becoming part of the Avengers. All in a days work as a hero among men...and women of course. Men and women of all genders, I'm not discriminating." "You've missed the deadline multiple times, and we're tired of waiting," the publisher exasperates, "We're hiring you a ghost writer, here call her." The publisher hands Loki a business card which he reads out loud, "(y/n) (y/l/n)?"
"She's great," the publisher assures, "and she's got a thing for superheroes, here check this out." he hands Loki a book. "Ugh, of course," Loki grumbles as he looks at the front cover of the book, "leave it to my brother to have a memoir written about himself. Like the songs and epics that were recited for him in Asgard weren't enough to stroke his ego, he has to garner even more fame on Midgard. He just couldn't be content being another pretty blonde face." "Don't tell me, tell her!" the publisher exasperates. Loki turns the book to see your face on the back, "I assume she is more than just a pretty face as well."

"Call her," the publisher urges, "And that by the way is a loan. Can't afford to be giving out free books to people right now."

----------Time Skip--------------

Sure enough Loki made the call and the two of you agreed to meet at the local diner. During the time he was waiting, Loki took the time to read the book you wrote for Thor. Skimming through the chapters, he could see you covered most of Thor's life from his childhood to his life as an Avenger. Loki had to scoff in some areas, seeing how he had completely different memories of said areas. From what Loki could conclude, if you could glamorize the life of one of Midgard's beloved muscly heroes, then surely you could weave a story of his life that could win the hearts of millions on this planet as well. 

Since trying his hand at playing the hero, Loki has had a hard time convincing people on Earth that he's turned over a new leaf and wants to fight for good. It was suggested that maybe if he wrote a book about his life and had it published it may humanize Loki and garner sympathy from the general public...and maybe earn one hell of a following from the lady fan base (and men as well). 

"Uh, hey," he hears your voice as you take a seat across from him, "You're Loki right?" "Yes, yes I am," Loki confirms, "You're (y/n)?" "Yeah, that's me," you nod, "Hope I haven't kept you waiting, but I was told you needed a ghost writer to write your biography." "I just simply need someone to tell my side of the story," Loki answers, "Everyone has heard the Avengers' side, my idiot brother, and nobody ever wants to hear my side because I'm 'problematic,' and I've been 'cancelled' or some other kind of lingo mortals toss around these days. How is that fair?" "Well, destroying New York and trying to take over the Earth with an alien army is kind of a turn off for most rational people," you point out, "But I think with a enticing title and good publicity we can tell the story from the antagonist perspective." "I'm sorry?" "Why don't we get started?" you say, "why not start with small talk?"

------------End of Flashback-----------

A few months went by and progress has been slow to say the least. No matter how many tricks and techniques you pulled, Loki hadn't quite gotten around to fully opening up about his life or at least any concrete stuff for you to put into a book. You tried opening up a little about your life like how you live in a small apartment in Manhattan until you just moved in with a rich boyfriend who lives a little ways away from the city.
The deadline was fast approaching and you and Loki were currently at the publishing company to discuss the progress.

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