Meeting the Parents- T'challa

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I realized I haven't done a one-shot with T'challa in a while and I also haven't done a meeting the parents installment in a long time either. For this segment it's going to feature both the reader's parents and her younger brother and sister. There will also one Civil War reference. 

You waited patiently at the airport with hopes of picking up your family.
They were coming all the way from your home back in Florida, on a private jet, to Wakanda. The whole time you practically stayed on your toes in anticipation for when you would introduce them to your fiance King T'challa.

You met the Black Panther himself when working for the Avengers; it was instant chemistry the moment he took you on your first date. A year and half into the relationship, he proposed to you. Although it was the happiest day of your life, you were rather nervous to break the news to your parents.

Although they knew about your relationship with T'challa, and have seen you and him on the television, they hadn't officially met him yet.

So here you were, waiting for your family at the airport. The private jet was T'challa's idea seeing how he wanted to make a first impression. Once you saw your parents, brother, and sister, you instantly ran up to give them a hug.

"I'm so glad you all could come," you say with genuine excitement. "I'm glad we finally get to meet your fiance, (y/n)," your mother smiled warmly. "It'll be a little while longer before you can meet, T'challa," you tell her, "He's currently at a meeting; running a country takes work and time." "Of course, sweetie, we understand," your dad replies.

Once all the luggage was picked up, the whole family was escorted to the palace. During the ride, you noticed your mother was looking a little on edge. "Everything okay there, mom?" you asked with concern. "Yeah, everything's fine," your mother assures you. "She's nervous to be in the presence of royalty," your brother chides which made your mother scowl at him. "Since we are going to be in the presence of royalty I want you all to be on your best behavior," she gestures to your siblings and your dad, "that includes you, (y/f/n)," she says sternly to your dad.

"You have nothing to worry about from us, dear," your father assures, "Wouldn't want to embarrass our little girl in front of her fiance." "Since you're marrying a king, does that mean you're going to be a queen once the two of you say 'I do?'" your sister quips in. "I didn't really think about it," you say sheepish, "Actually I won't officially become queen of Wakanda till the coronation ceremony." "Guess we have all have to start calling our big sister, 'Your Royal Highness' now," your brother teases. "(y/b/n)," your mother scolds.

"It's okay," you chuckle, "I'm still the down to earth sister you all still know and love." "Except you're dating a king," your sister points out.

The rest of the trip was fairly full of trivial things, such as what was new with your family while you were off saving the world with the love of your life.

Soon you all had arrived at the palace. The servants took the luggage while you took your family and gave them a nickel tour of the whole area, including the Wakandan gardens and labs. "Who's that?" you hear your sister speak when you walked past one of the labs. You took a quick peak inside to see she was pointing to certain metal-armed super soldier frozen in ice. "Uh, that is someone that T'challa has kindly agreed to put under until they can find a cure to whatever is ailing this man," you quickly say, while discretely pushing her away from the lab and back onto continuing the tour.

When dinner time was approaching, the servants set the table while your family dressed into slightly more formal attire. "What do you think?" your mother asks as she does a quick spin to show her dress. "You really that nervous about meeting my fiance?" You ask with slight concern. "I'm sorry, Hun," she tells you, "it's just, he's an Avenger, and a king, and an incredibly intelligent man, and I don't want him to look down on us like lowly peasants."   

"This isn't the seventeenth century, mom, he's not going to see you guys as peasants," you assure her with a sigh, "I promise five minutes with T'challa, and you'll see he's surprisingly down-to-earth." "Will we at least get any benefits from you being married to royalty?" your brother asks hopefully, earning a side nudge from your father. "Between you and me," you whisper to your mother, "he's as much as nervous meeting you guys as you are of meeting him." "Really?" you mom asks surprised. "Yeah," you confirm with a smile, "It was his idea to bring you all here on a private jet to make a first impression. So really you have nothing to worry about."

"My dear, I am home," you hear T'challa's footsteps as he approached the dinning area. Your parents and siblings quickly sat up straight at the table, waiting with anticipation as he stepped inside. You were the first one to get up and greet T'challa with a hug and a peck on the lips.

"How was your day, darling?" you ask him. "A lot longer than anticipated, I admit," T'challa tells you, "but it was worth the wait; especially when I have the love of my life to see when I return from the woes of ruling a nation." "I'm glad to hear it," you say meaningful, "And I'm glad I get to introduce the love of my life to my loving family."

You then introduced T'challa to your family. "It's very nice to meet you Your Highness," you mother shakes his hand, while concealing her nervous tone, "There is no need for such formalities," he assures her, "We are to become one family soon, are we not?" your mother then become a little more relaxed at his response.

Dinner was served and the conversation between you, your family, and your fiance continued. The evening was successfully concluded as your family were escorted to their rooms after their long trip overseas. Before seeing them one last time before bed, you met up with T'challa, "Told you, you didn't have anything to worry about, dear," you tell him. "I am just glad to have finally met them," he respond, embracing you for a moment, "I am genuinely looking forward to becoming part of your family." "Based on how well dinner went, I think you already just did," you return the embrace, "You'll be even more so, if (y/b/n) and (y/s/n) receive their 'share' of the royal treatment," you joke which made T'challa chuckle.

You run off to see your parents one last time before bed. "So what do you guys think about him?" you ask hopeful. "Well even if he wasn't a king, I couldn't think of a better man for you to settle down with, sweetheart," you father says happily. "I agree, with your father," you mother adds, "You really got yourself a keeper." You smile at their approval. With a final goodnight, you left for your shared bedroom with the man you love. 

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