Aunt Flo Syncs

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It's my time of the month again. You know it's both a blessing and a curse when you get it, on one hand it's messy and unpleasant, but on the other hand it usually means your system is operating normally. I thought of a one-shot where we see how the guys would react when the women's cycles synchronize. I took some inspiration from an episode from Modern Family and this episode from the IT Crowd.

I hope the hilarity in my mind translates to the computer. There might be some swearing.

"Ugh you gotta be kidding me," Tony hears Pepper groan from the bedroom early in the morning, "I swear I just got over this weeks ago." "Everything okay in there, honey?" Tony tiredly asks, knocking on the bathroom door, "Do you need me to come in." "No! Don't come in, it's not pretty," Pepper exclaims. "You sure, I mean you know if you need me I can-" "I said no!" Pepper yells for emphasis, "Just leave me alone right now, this is not the best time."  "Okay, okay," Tony backs away, "I'll just be in the kitchen and make some pancakes then." "Make sure they're chocolate," Pepper insists.


"Honey, I'm back from my morning run," Steve announces as he walks into the bedroom, half expecting Sharon to be up and about, but more surprised to see she was still sleeping. "Shar, you alright, you're not sick are you?" Steve approaches the bed, shaking her a little.
"I'm fine," she groggily insists, "Just tired and...ugh I don't feel like getting up just yet." Steve noticed the way she was holding herself, "Are you hurt?" "I'm fine it's just some cramps," she assures. "Oh, maybe we should get those look at then," Steve suggests. "It's female cramps," she elaborates, "You know, my monthly cycle." "Oh," Steve realizes, "Okay then, just sleep in as long as you want, I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast."


"Vision!" Wanda shouts when the android walked through the wall into her room...again. "is something wrong?" the android asks, taken aback by her outburst. "How many times do I have to say it in order for it to get through that thick android skull of yours not to do that?! I swear we must've gone through this at least a million times already!" "Forgive me, Wanda," Vision apologizes, "I thought you were awake and thought I should tell you everyone is getting ready for breakfast. I believe Tony is making chocolate pancakes.
"Chocolate huh?" she responds, "Fine let's go, but you're still in trouble, mister." She grabs Vision by the arms and yanks him towards the kitchen.


"What are you possibly working on at this ungodly hour?" Thor rubs his eyes as he wakes to see Jane tinkering with some mechanical device. "What are you working on, Jane?" "Just calibrating this device again," Jane huffs in annoyance, "This stupid thing keeps getting fucked up no matter how many times I keep fixing it." "Maybe I could lend a hand," Thor offers, reaching his hand, "Don't touch it," Jane slaps his hand away, "Look I know you're trying to be helpful, but I think I can handle this on my own." "Forgive me, Jane, I didn't mean to upset you," Thor lowers his head. "*sigh* Look, it's fine, why don't you hop in the shower and I'll head over to the kitchen, you can meet me there," Jane suggests.

"Would you rather join me in the shower?" Thor offers, slightly smirking. "Uh, actually that's probably not a good idea right now," Jane hastily answers, "We can do something like another time, right now I am getting hungry."


"Morning, beautiful," Bucky greets as he enter the kitchen, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Morning yourself, soldier," Nat greets back with a smirk on her face. "What are you eating?" Buck asks, noticing the candy wrapper Nat had on hand, "Just some chocolate," she shrugs. "This early in the morning?" Bucky frowns. "Why you got a problem with that?" Nat glares in annoyance. "Uh no of course," Bucky stands back, slightly scared. "What, are you trying to say I'm getting fat, that I need to lay off the sweets?" Natasha stands up in confrontation. "No, no, I didn't say that at all," Bucky assures, "If anything, I think you're a good weight." "So if I did put on some pounds you wouldn't think I look good then, is that it?" Nat crosses her arms. "I'd still love you no matter what size you are, darling, you know that," Bucky places his hands on her shoulders, "All that matters is that you're happy and healthy."

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