What is This Feeling?- Vision

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This one-shot was requested by  1DizzieFan who asked for a one-shot where Vision is professionally clueless of his feelings towards the reader. Cute fluff Enjoy. 

It was just another lazy day at the Avengers facility this morning. You woke up fairly early but decided to stay in bed for a few more lazy minutes; that is till your stomach started rumbling. Getting up, you head to the kitchen planning to prepare some breakfast.

As you approach the kitchen, you smell something good; most likely pancakes. Your guess was correct. The moment you stepped into the kitchen, you take notice of Vision flipping a pancake from the pan. "Morning, Vision," you casually greet. "Oh, good morning, (y/n)," Vision greets, "I was hoping you would wake up around this time." "Really why's that?" you ask curious. "I've been working on my cooking, and I was hoping you would like to try these," Vision takes a couple pancakes and serves them to you. You were a little hesitant at first, given that Vision's cooking skills are less then sub par, but you accept the plate so as not to hurt his feelings.

You cut through the pancakes and take the first bite; much to your surprise, it was actually edible. "This is pretty good," you admit, taking another bite. "I'm glad to hear that," Vision replies, feeling a rather odd sensation from hearing you say how much you loved the breakfast he made. He didn't really think much about it and mentally brushed it away.

You continue eating the rest of your pancakes. Once you were finished, you about ready to take your plate to the sink, "Allow me," Vision offers, taking the plate from your hands. The same sensations he felt earlier came back again. What was this he kept feeling? And why did this occur whenever you were around?

The concept of emotions and feelings towards people is still fairly foreign to Vision; something that also tended to hinder him being able to relate to people in general. But lately he'd been feeling something rather odd within, and these feelings had become more frequent as he spent more time with you, from protecting you during missions, to just plain hanging out with you during your off days. Vision had spent time reading books and articles in hopes of trying to grasp what he was feeling but nothing helped. At this point, the only conclusion that Vision could come up with is that some part of him is malfunctioning.

After breakfast, while you head back to your room to change,  Vision decides to make his way towards the lab with the hopes that Tony or Bruce could diagnosis what may be wrong with him. Deciding to go through the walls, he accidentally goes through Clint's room while Clint was in the middle of shaving his legs. The archer jumped back unexpectedly, cutting himself with his razor. "Oh, apologies, Clint," Vision hastily says, trying to help Clint stop the bleeding. "Don't worry about it," Clint grumpily, "But seriously, what the hell, Vision? I thought we all made sure to discuss this after the bathroom incident." "I know," Vision replies, "It's just...I must confess something must be off with me." "Yeah, that was already established the moment you walked in here," Clint mutters.

Clint leads Vision to the lounge, hoping to get to the root of the his predicament. "Okay, what seems to be the problem?" Clint asks. "Well," Vision begins, "I'm not entirely sure, but lately I've been feeling...odd." "Odd how?" Clint raises an eyebrow. "I can't quite explain it," Vision admits, "But whenever...certain events occur, I become...warm. Almost as if I'm...I want to say happy, but I'm not entirely sure." "Interesting, go on," Clint encourages. Vision then recalls what has happened the last three weeks whenever those sensations came up. Clint intently listened to every single detail Vision could think of; almost nearly every event involved you one way or another.

"And that is all I can think of," Vision finishes. "Well," Clint begins his prognosis, "I'm no doctor or scientist or whatever, but I think, Vis, that we're feeling is perfectly normal." "What do you mean?" Vision asks. "I believe what you might be feeling, specifically whenever (y/n) is around, may border along the lines of a schoolboy crush." "Excuse me?" Vision asks confused. "You want to form a romantic relationship with (y/n)," Clint clarifies. "...No that can't be it," Vision replies, rejecting Clint's theory. "Okay, buddy, if you say so," Clint shrugs and decides to leave.

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