A Christmas to Remember- Pietro Maximoff

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This is a story written in the spirit of Christmas. Enjoy and Merry Christmas.

You had settled down in bed for the night with your favorite speedster and recently wedded husband Pietro Maximoff. It was Christmas Eve and the two of you had just got back from a Christmas party Tony was hosting for the Avengers. You had a fun time at the party, dancing with Pietro, playing Christmas games, watching the boys to see who could hold down the most tequilla shots, which of course Steve and Thor won that game. You on the other hand didn't have a drop to drink.

You and Pietro had been married for four weeks now; you had wanted a winter wedding ceremony and waiting for the day of the wedding seemed like an eternity. By the time the two of you came back from your honeymoon, Christmas was around the corner, and as it turned out, you already had a present to give for Pietro. The main challenge however, was finding the right time to deliver it to him. You had tried to drop subtle hints but as much as you loved Pietro, he could be dense at times. At the party you had considered trying to tell him again but with the amount of shots he had, it was unlikely he would remember anything in the morning. As of now you already had enough trouble dragging him back to your shared apartment in his tipsy state, even with Wanda's assistance.

Once you and her got Pietro to bed, you showed Wanda to the door. "Have you told him by any chance?" shes asks before leaving. Wanda was actually the one who took notice of the hints you dropped for Pietro. At least one twin knew when to take a hint. "Not yet," was your reply, "I think at this point the best time to tell him would probably tomorrow for Christmas morning." "Good luck, (y/n). I'll see you tomorrow then, and Merry Christmas," Wanda gives you a hug right as she walks out the door. Once you changed into something more comfortable, you crawl into bed next to Pietro, who was already out like a Christmas light. You couldn't help but smile. You than press a gently kiss to his cheek before curling up next to him, "Sweet dreams, father-to-be," you say as you close your eyes and drift into deep sleep.

You were the first one up on Christmas morning. You look up to see Pietro was still sleeping off last night's party. You chuckle as you get out of bed and walk into the kitchen to make breakfast. Twenty minutes later, in walks a sleepy and very hungover Pietro. "Good morning, speedy!" you purposely say with a loud tone. "Ugh, please keep it down, love." Pietro groans. You laugh at this and walk over to peck his cheek, "Merry Christmas, handsome," you hand him a plate with eggs and bacon which Pietro gladly accepts.

"I believe I had a bit of a strange dream last night," he says as he takes his first bite of the eggs. "Oh, really?" you say nonchalantly, while serving your own plate of eggs "do tell." "Well it wasn't so much a dream as much as it was more something I thought I heard you say something peculiar." You do your best to act normal and keep eating your breakfast. "It sounded like something about me being a father," Pietro continues. You stop half-way in taking another bite of your eggs.

"Is it true, love? Am I going to be a father." You set your fork down and break down into a laughing fit. "What's so funny?" Pietro asks worriedly. "You! You hadn't...been able...to figure it out...this whole time...up until now!" you reply in between fits of laughter. "All it took...was three words...and you in...a drunken stupor!" "Hey! Stop laughing and answer my question!"

Once you finish laughing and are finally calm you confirm his suspicion, "Yes, dear. I'm pregnant. I've been trying to tell you for the last couple weeks. I been dropping hints here and there but the only person that actually manged to pick them up was your sister." "Wait, Wanda knows about this and I don't?"

"I'm sorry Pietro, but like I said you just couldn't take a hint." He looks at you with what seemed to be a look of shock. "What's wrong? You're not mad are you?" Now it was your turn to be worried, "what, you don't want this baby?" Suddenly Pietro breaks out in a smile; he picks you up and spins you around before pulling you into a kiss. "Of course I want this baby," he replies happily, "It is mine after all." "You don't think it's too soon?" "Not at all. You know I always wanted children." He places his hand on your stomach, "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" "It's too soon to find out. Also I wanted to find out with you first." He smiles and kisses you again right when Wanda walks inside, "Looks like you finally managed to tell him," she says excitedly. "You're going to be an aunt, Wanda," you say, "And I a father," Pietro chides, "This is the best Christmas gift you could give me."

"Well it certainly is a Christmas to remember," you say in response as you press your lips to his once more.

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