Date Night- Steve Rogers (Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson)

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It's been awhile since I wrote a one-shot for these three, so here am I writing about all three of them (sorta).
For this one-shot, the reader is married to Steve, they have a kid together, and Sam and Bucky agreed to babysit while Steve and the reader go out for a much needed date night.

Some fluff.

"Oh, I'm not sure about this," you honestly speak as hold your five month old daughter close to you. "Doll, this was you idea," you husband Steve seemed confused. "I know," you admit, "It's just I'm not sure I can leave her like this, I feel like we're abandoning her."
"(y/n), we're just going out on a date for the evening," Steve laughs lightly, stroking his daughter's head as he did so,  "I'm sure Sarah can survive without us for a few hours while we go out for a nice dinner and movie."

You sigh a little, gazing at Sarah's sleeping figure, "I don't doubt it. Don't get me wrong, I am exciting about going out with it just being the two of us, but it is the very first time we've gone anywhere without her. What if something goes wrong? What if she needs us? What if-" "It'll be alright," Steve reassures, placing his hands on both your shoulders, "Sam and Bucky will be watching her the whole time we're gone; they have both our phone numbers to call in case something does go wrong." "Okay, I know they're your best friends, and Buck's the godfather, but that doesn't exactly bring me much comfort," you deadpan slightly.

"It's nice to hear the missus has such high confidence in our babysitting skills," you turn around at the sound of Sam's voice to see him and Bucky waiting by the front door, ready and eager. "hey guys," you greet, "Steve and I are just about ready, I'm just gonna put Sarah down in her crib and we'll be heading out the door."
"You two remember what to do right?" Steve asks while you carry Sarah to the nursery. "Of course, Steve, you have nothing to worry about," Bucky assures. "Yeah your daughter is in the capable hands of your two best friends," Sam grins. "One of whom is also the godfather," Bucky butts in, making Sam roll his eyes a little.

"Okay," you announce as you step back into the foyer, "Sarah's asleep right now. If she wakes up wet, there's diapers next to the changing area, if she gets hungry, there's plenty of pre-pumped breast milk in the fridge, be sure to burp her afterwards. And keep the baby monitor close by at all times." "Don't worry, (y/n)," Bucky places both hands on your shoulder, "She's in good hands."
You take notice of the way Bucky and Sam were grinning, "Then why do I get the feeling I'm about to leave my only child in the hands of Spongebob and Patrick?"  you scowl a little. "Patrick and I will take good care of Sarah," Bucky happily assures. "Hey, you're Patrick, I'm Spongebob," Sam quips in, making you groan slightly.
"Look you two need to get going, don't wanna miss those reservations," Sam continues, him and Bucky practically pushing you and Steve out the front door, "You two enjoy yourself and have fun...BUT not too much fun," he teases. "Thanks guys," Steve answers. "Call if something goes wrong or you have any extra questions," you add.

"Why am I Patrick?" Bucky scowls at Sam once you and Steve finally leave. "One, Patrick's last name is Star. Patrick STAR," Sam gestures to the star on Bucky's metal arm for emphasis, "Two, Patrick is also the forgetful one."
"Okay, fine, I'm Patrick," Bucky concedes, "At least Patrick's not the one with the annoying laugh," he smirks at that last statement.


"You okay there, Doll?" Steve asks at the restaurant, noticing  you were looking a little fidgety as you scanned through the menu. "Hmm," you jerk your head up at the sound of Steve's voice, "Oh yeah," you nod, "Fine, just a little nervous is all." "I told you, Sam and Bucky have a handle on taking care of Sarah," Steve assures, "She'll be okay." "You're right," you take a deep breath, "I don't know why, but I'm just so worried about something happening to her, and we're not there for her. I know Bucky and Sam can handle whatever situation might occur, but the constant worry is still there."
"It's probably maternal instinct," Steve hypothesized, "it's okay to feel this way," he takes his hand in yours, "Trust me, sweetheart, you're a good mother, but you can take time to enjoy life for a bit too." You smile a little, "how bout this," Steve offers, "If you still have some concerns after dinner, you can call the house and make sure everything's okay." "Okay," you accept, "I'd like that."


"You take her," Bucky urges trying to hand a crying Sarah to Sam. "Uh Uh, you take her," Sam hands her back. "I changed her diaper last time, it's your turn," Bucky argues. "No, that was me," Sam argues back, "You just don't remember because you're old and forgetful." "I'm a hundred year old super solider, I don't have short term memory loss of something I just did two hours ago," Bucky retorts.

Bucky's cell phone starts ringing. Bucky hands Sarah to Sam so he could pick up the phone, "I need to answer it, it could be (y/n)," he reasons. Sam groans a little before reluctantly taking the baby to the changing area.

"Hello," Bucky happily answers. "Hey, Bucky," he hears your voice on the other line. "Oh hey, (Y/n)," Bucky replies in a relaxed tone, "How's your date with Stevie." "Pretty good," you answer honestly, "Just checking, making sure everything's alright back home before we see that movie." "Everything is exactly the way you left it," Bucky replies. "And how's Sarah doing?" you press. "She's still the same, sleeping like a...well like a baby," Bucky smiles.
"Dear God, what are Cap and Mrs. Cap feeding this girl?" The super soldier could hear Sam's voice from the nursery. "She's an angel," Bucky continues. "Okay, well Steve and I are heading to the movies right now, see you afterwards," you say before you hang up.
"I think we're gonna need more diapers," Sam states as he walks back into the living room.

------Two Hours Later---------

After enjoying a nice night at the movies, you and Steve finally drive back to the house. The time was nearly five to midnight.

Once the two of you walk inside, you notice Sam and Bucky were sound asleep on the sofa; it almost looked like they were cuddling each other. "Think we should wake them?" Steve whispers to you. "I don't know they're looking pretty adorable in this position," you smirk, snapping a picture of them on your phone, "for posterity," you assure.

Steve roll his eyes a little, before nudging both Sam and Bucky awake, "Hey, guys, we're home." Bucky and Sam both slowly rise from sleep before realizing the position they were in; the two then look up to spot you and Steve standing over them, smirking a little. "We couldn't find any blankets, and we were trying to stay warm," Bucky assures. "What he said," Sam agrees.
"Sure you were," you tease, grinning widely, "I hope you two didn't have too much fun," you reiterate what Sam told the two of you earlier today.

"I hope our little bundle of joy wasn't two much trouble," Steve also grins as Sam and Bucky get back on their feet. "Oh yeah, other than a couple messy diaper changes, she was an angel the whole time," Sam assures.
"Thanks again for your help, you two," Steve tells them. "Hey, it was no trouble, punk," Bucky assures, pulling Steve into a man hug, "Always happy to help my best friend." "Our best friend," Sam butts in. "really my best friend," Buck whispers.

"Ever wonder if those two would make a cute couple?" you joke to your husband once Sam and Bucky exit the house. "Well they do bicker back and forth like an old married couple," Steve jokes  backs, "Only time will tell."

"Well, speaking of time," you pull Steve towards you, "The night is still young, and Sarah's still asleep...what do you say we finish the evening with a shower and a little fondue?" you smirk suggestively.

Smirking back, Steve hauls you over his shoulder and carries you to the bathroom for that shower.

I'm going to see Black Panther this weekend, so my next one-shot for this book will definitely be a T'challa one.

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