For the One I Once Loved-Thor

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This is heavily inspired from this song that I love a lot from How to Train Your Dragon 2. This reader is an Asgardian, whom Thor was in love with but had lost contact with her when she was exiled. The two meet each other again centuries later and Thor tries to get the reader to remember the love they once shared together.

Plenty of fluff in this one.

Also this one-shot, while not completely correlated with the MCU timeline,  does kinda sorta take place after Thor: Ragnarok; only in this instance, Thor and the Asgardians didn't get boarded by Thanos' ship (which also means Loki didn't get the life chocked out of him).
Also Korg and Valkyrie guest star in this one-shot.

-----------Somewhere in space---------------

"Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki inquires of his brother, Thor. "Sure, of course," Thor assures, "They love me on Earth." "Let me rephrase," Loki tries again, "Do you really think it's a good idea for ME to return to Earth?"
Before Thor could answer, there was a sudden shake of the ship. The power goes out but then comes back on.

"What was that?" Thor wonders out loud. "Oh, sorry my bad," Korg answers out of nowhere, "it was honest mistake, that's all." "What are you talking about, Korg, what did you do?" Thor asks with concern. "Well, while there's no need to panic, we may or may not have lost a a battery or two that was powering this ship, and...we probably should land soon. Otherwise the back-up power will go out and we'll be floating out in space until we eventually run out of oxygen and end up suffocating to death." 
The two brothers exchange looks realizing the seriousness of the situation, "We best find a place to land and find replacements then," Thor states, "Where is the nearest planet we can land at that will carry such?"


Once located, Thor was able to direct the ship to the nearest planet to refuel and find replacement batteries. Some of the Asgardian refugees stepped out of the ship so as to stretch their legs and get some fresh air.
Unbeknown to any of the refugees, they were being watched by someone who used to be one of their own.

While Thor and Loki were negotiating prices for the batteries, Heimdall piques up at a peculiar sound. Sure enough, right in the corner of his eye, he spots someone watching the group. Since this figure was cloaked he couldn't quite make out the face. The figure then turns the other way and vanishes into the caves that seemed to liter this planet. "Is something troubling you, Heimdall?" Thor inquires, taking notice of his friend's demeanor. "We are being watched," Heimdall simply states, pointing to where the figure once stood. "Well we are strangers in this world," Thor points out, "It would only be natural for locals to eye us out of curiosity." "This feels different," Heimdall reasons, "I could not make out the face of this individual quite well, but it did look familiar."
Now that got the Asgardian king's attention right quick, "Then we should investigate. You'll look after our people while Loki, myself, and Valkyrie head to the caves." "What about the parts for the ship?" Heimdall asks. "Korg can put that stuff together while I'm gone," Thor assures, "besides, seeing that we don't really have a place to call home just yet, I see no need to rush."

With Loki and Valkyrie in his company, Thor sets off to hike in the caves to look for this mysterious being.
"Remind me again why we're doing this, brother?" Loki inquires, not quite interested in going on this wild goose chase in the first place; Thor just kinda dragged him into it. "I told you, Loki, Heimdall saw someone watching us, and I want to know who," Thor answers like it's obvious. "And what makes this person different from any of the others we've seen watching us?" Valkyrie adds, not quite keen on going on this little adventure either. "Heimdall insisted this one is different, Thor insisted, "and when has he ever been wrong before?"  "I can think of three different times," Loki deadpans.

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