The Morning After- Bucky Barnes

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I'm currently suffering writer's block for my Avengers/Avatar crossover so until then I think I'll just write more one-shots here. There may be swearing on Bucky's and possibly the readers part

You were the first one up this morning. Once you open your (e/c) eyes the first person you see sleeping next to you was your fiance Bucky Barnes. He was lying on his stomach, his face turned towards you; free of nightmares for one night and looking peaceful for once. You spent a few minutes staring at his peaceful form, almost fighting the urge to brush the strands of hair from his face; his metal arm was loosely draped over you as if he was protecting you even in his sleep. When you stretched a little, careful not to wake him up, you instantly felt sore. That feeling led you to replay the events from last night which were nothing short of rough, carnal activities that mostly took place in this bedroom.   

It had been a few months since Bucky proposed to you and it was stressful on both of you, but mostly you, when it came to planning the wedding. The added stress that came with the extra missions you both had to take didn't exactly help the two of you either; in fact it was starting to put a bit of a strain on your relationship. With the extra missions and the wedding planning, you and Bucky didn't have as much time to be intimate with each other and this often led to fights as well as a slow build-up of sexual frustration.

Just last night the two of you came back to the Avengers tower after being on two separate missions. Despite being exhausted you really wanted to get back to planning your wedding but Bucky wanted to spend some time with you after being away for so long. 

"Come on, Doll," he pleads, "It's been so long. We can order take-out or watch Netflix." "Not right now, James," you reply in annoyance, "I have to sort out the wedding invitations; something I was suppose to do three weeks ago." "Come on, Babe, it'll just be half-an-hour, one hour tops," he takes your arm. "I said no," you reply with more annoyance in your voice as you pull your arm away. "Ugh, what's wrong with you, (y/N)?" he snaps. You look at him with surprise. "All I ask is one fucking hour of your time after weeks of being away from each other and all you can think about are the stupid wedding invitations?" "It's our wedding your talking about here, James!" you quip back, "You're the one who proposed yet I'm the one who's doing all the fucking work, getting our shit together for what I plan to be the happiest day of our lives. But that may not happen any time soon since you seem so hell-bent on ruining it and not even so much as lifting a finger to help." "Well maybe I would be helping right now if I didn't have all these missions to complete and you weren't driving everyone crazy over it!"

You just stare at him with a look that most likely combined disappointment and anger. "Very well than," you say with a low tone of anger in your voice. You walk to your shared room with Bucky following you. "Don't you walk away from me!" he shouts. "Why?" You shout back, "I thought you said I was driving everyone crazy." You turn around to face him, "You think taking one hour of my time is so easy when I have to plan these things out maybe you should take over the planning." "Fine," he retorts, "If it's up to me and seeing how hard the planning is why don't we not have a wedding at all? Why not just walk over to the court house tomorrow and have a judge marry us instead?" "Really?" you ask incredulously, "That is how you want to remember our first moments of marriage?" "If it'll take out the crazy and save our the relationship than I think it will." "Well than for the sake of our relationship than I think that's the best idea you've had all day!" As you two argue you get closer to each other. "Than it's settled," "Good!" "Good!" "Fine!" As soon as you get the last word, you crash your lips to Bucky's. In that moment he presses you to the wall and the two of you make out as his metal hand roams your body. You start to moan and you and him find yourselves in the bedroom, slamming the door behind you and about to engage in one long night of angry sex.

  So here you were the morning after in bed next to the man you loved. About five minutes after you wake, Bucky starts to stir. He opens his blue eyes to look at yours. "Morning," he murmurs as he kisses your forehead, "I'm hoping you managed to get a decent night's sleep after last night." "Well right now I'm having a bit of trouble moving my legs at the moment." Bucky grins at that statement. After he gets out of bed to get dressed, he helps you with your clothes and offers to carry you to the kitchen which you accept. Once he sets you down at the table he heads to the fridge to starts putting things together to make pancakes. "Buck," you began as he flips the first pancake, "about last night, before things got carnal..." "What about it?" he asks. "Do you really want to get married in the court house instead of having a traditional wedding like we planned?" Bucky looks down at the pan for a second, "Honestly, Doll, it was just a heat of the moment thing. It really doesn't matter to me as long as you do what makes you happy." "I want to do the wedding," you sigh, "but if I'm driving people crazy-" "I didn't mean it like that, (y/N)." Bucky replies, "Again it was another heat of the moment. I think the stress has been getting to both of us is all." "Maybe we could talk to Fury," you suggest, "try and get some time off so we can focus on us and the wedding." "That could work," Bucky replies as he places the last of the pancakes on a stack. "We can talk to him after we finish breakfast."

"No need, Barnes," You hear Tony's voice as he walks into the kitchen with Steve, Clint, and Sam trailing behind. "We already talked to Fury first this morning and he's willing to give both of you time off." says Steve. "Really? You guys did that for us? That was sweet of you," you state. "Yeah it wasn't so much for you as it was for all of us," Sam quips. "What do you mean?" Bucky asks. "Well, for starters you're both driving all of us insane with all the fighting recently," Clint explains, "That and we really don't need to go through another night of what we all heard last night; both the fight and what happened in the bedroom right after." "Wait," you say, "you mean-" "We could hear both your moans and screams throughout the whole floor," Tony quips. Your face turns red and Bucky turns away in embarrassment. "Oh, god. Oh, god." you stutter. "We occasionally heard those last night too," Sam chides in. You face turns even more red not realizing how loud you where. "Maybe we should think about soundproofing the bedroom for you two," Tony suggests.

You and Bucky walk back to your room after breakfast. You gather some clothes before you head to the shower. Before you leave Bucky takes your arms and turns you around to face you. "I love you, Doll, you know that right." You smile as he kisses your forehead. "Of, course. I love you too, James." You stand on your toes and peck his lips before stepping into the bathroom.

Avenger's One-shots and Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें