Assistance from an Unexpected Place-Stephan Strange

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I've been watching the Shadowhunters series on Hulu recently (I know its over already but I was reading the books so I wanted to see the show) and I wanted to do a little crossover one-shot.

So the reader is in a battle with some strange creatures, that are actually demons, and fights alongside Dr. Strange when she gets struck with poison from one of the demons and Strange doesn't know how to pull out the poison so he turns to a certain warlock for help.

Maybe after this I might think about doing a Shadowhunters one-shot book and maybe even a crossover book.

Also Goose will be make a short appearance in this one too.

"What the hell are these things?!" you exasperate as strange, dark looking creatures invade the New York sanctum. They seem to have come out of nowhere and as a novice sorcerer, defending the sanctum from such beings was part of the job description.
"I have no idea," Stephan Strange admits as he takes out several creatures from one corner of the sanctum. One tried to jump him from behind but was luckily saved by Wong.

"These appear to be demons from the Down-world," Wong  observes, "there must be something in the sanctum they want." "Demons?" your eyes go wide, "As in straight from hell type of demons?" "Pfft, Wong, you can't be serious," Stephan scoffs, "We've fought monsters, aliens, gods, beings from alternate dimensions, and now you're telling me that we have to deal with supernatural creatures too?" "Well normally there are other...institutions that deal with this particular field," Wong admits, "but for people like us to encounter these creatures is a rare occasion."
While this conversation was going on, neither of you noticed there was one extra demon still left in the sanctum that was fixing to stalk and strike.

"Well clearly whoever these people are supposed to be, they are not doing their job very well," Stephan remarks. "Maybe they have pressing matters that superseded this little skirmish," you provide for a suggestion, "So if demons are real, what about the other stuff like ghosts, werewolves, and vampires?"
Before Wong could answer, the demon jumps from its hiding spot and aims to attack Stephan. You jump and get slashed with its claws which hurt like hell but both Stephan and Wong the chance to kill the demon.

"And clearly we didn't our job thoroughly in killing all those things," Stephan speaks. You were about to say something but buckle down from the pain. "(y/n)?" Stephan notices your state. "I'm...I'm fine," you try to assure, "It's just a scratch...I think....have the walls always been this blurry?" You fall but Stephan catches you, taking notice that the scratch marks were turning black. "What's wrong with her?" Stephan asks. "The claws were laced with the demon's poison," Wong tells him, "We need to pull it out of her before it consumes and ultimately kills her."

Quickly Stephan whisks to the library to pull out whatever books he could find on demon poisons which, much to his disappointment, was severely limited in the sorcerer collection. Most of the books he could find were either too faded to make out or in some dead language that neither he or even Wong could translate.

The clock was ticking and your vitals were still rapidly declining. "There has to be something we can do," Stephan, the desperation in his voice was apparent; as Sorcerer Supreme, part of his duty was to ensure the safety of his students and if you were to die, he would be livid with himself for letting this happen, "There must be something or someone who can help us." Wong has to think for a moment before offering a suggestion, "I believe there is someone who could help." "Who?" Stephan presses. "A warlock," Wong answers, "His name is Magnus Bane. He's centuries old and has experience with these situations. He may need some incentive, but if anyone can help (y/n) it's him." "How exactly do you know this Magnus Bane?" Stephan frowns a little. "He was good friends with the Ancient One at one point in time," Wong explains, "He's has aided her during times of great turmoil." "Which would be one of those times," Stephan says, "Where can I find him?" "Last I heard he's taken up residence in Brooklyn," Wong answers handing Dr. Strange an address card, "I'll do what I can to stop the poison from spreading any further." 

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