The Morning After- Steve Rogers

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Here's another The Morning After installment. This one will be a honeymoon/first time edition. By first time I'm talking about first time for both Steve and the reader.

You woke up late in the morning; actually it was more like early in the afternoon. You found yourself snuggled into your newly wedded husband, using his chest as a pillow. He was still fast asleep, you guess last night wore him out just as much as it did you. It was well worth it; the night before and you and Steve waiting to save yourselves for this moment.

You had worked for S.H.I.E.L.D for a considerably number of years when you first met Steve. You stuck by his side from the time he came out of the ice, through the time HYDRA rose out from under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar and even during the civil war incident. The two of you became close during those times and a romantic relationship had started to developed via mission briefs and dinner dates. Before things could go any further, however, you felt that you needed to confess to Steve that you had never been with a man before. You weren't fully sure what his reaction was going to be at first but him admitting that he never been with a woman took you by surprise. Nevertheless Steve had made it clear that ideally he did want to save himself for marriage and after a lengthy discussion about this you had thought it did make some sense. Hey, you two had waited this long, there wasn't any harm in waiting just a little while longer.  

Eventually you had grown to care for and even love Steve and he loved you. Two of your happiest memories up to the present were the day he proposed to you and the day your wedding took place. Everyone had come to your wedding, Bucky of course was Steve's best man for the wedding and your cousin was your maid of honor. Once the wedding reception had begun to wind down you and Steve were whisked away to your honeymoon destination in London.

When the two of you got to your hotel room, which came with rose petals and a bottle of champagne on ice, the first thing you did was go to the bathroom; you wanted to change into something that would make the consummation more intimate. While you changed Steve climbed into the bed and opened up the champagne bottle pouring both him and yourself a glass. "Whatcha doing in there, sweetheart?" he asks taking a sip. "Just a few more seconds, Stevie," you call through the door, "I want to make this special." A minute later you open the door dressed in white lingerie. Steve was at a loss for words the moment he saw you. "Wow," was all he could muster as he begins to blush, " look really amazing, (y/n)."  You smile and climb onto the bed and straddle his hips. The two of stare into each other's eyes before leaning in for a kiss. The kiss soon became heated. Before anything else could happen Steve stops you, "you sure want to do this now?" he asks you, "We can wait if you don't think you're ready, I don't mind either way." "I want this, Steve," you reply, "I've wanted this for long." "Your shaking," he observes. "Well I might be a little nervous," you admit, "It's both our first time and I'm not entirely sure what to expect." "Well, we'll just have to find out together," Steve smiles than pulls you in for another passionate kiss. As the kissing continued, clothes were removed and slowly both yours and Steve's innocence were taken in the purest way possible.

The events of that night had finally led to the morning...or more like the afternoon. For you last night felt like pure magic; everything had felt like it had fallen perfectly into place. You stir a little bit, careful not to wake your sleeping husband. You felt sore, but it was a good kind of sore. Eventually Steve begins to stir and open his blue eyes to stare at yours. "What are you looking at?" he says teasingly. "The man I fell in love with, of course," was your answer. "What did you think of last night?" you ask somewhat nervously. "Well..." Steve thinks, "I'm not entirely sure how to put it into words. It was amazing and filled with...what's the word I'm looking for exactly?" "Ecstasy?" You suggest. "I think that might the word to describe last night," Steve agrees, "What about you, darling, did you enjoy it?" "I think it was worth the wait," you answer. Steve grins then kisses the top of your head, "hmmm I wish this moment could last forever." "Me too," you say and kiss him back, "I love you, Steve." "I love you too, doll." 

The rest of the day, and pretty much the rest of the honeymoon, with brief outings for meals and sightseeing, you and Steve practically spent the whole time in bed. When you guys came back after being gone for a week, you still couldn't keep your hands off each other. Typical newlyweds.

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