I Know Your Pain- T'challa

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I was re-watching CA:CW for the however many times I've seen this movie and I stopped at this one seen with T'challa and his father before the explosion. I remember it was a very sweet and tender father-son moment and it inspired me to wright this one-shot.

Warning: Major feels and mentions of death

You couldn't believe the traumatizing events you had just experience; it all happened so fast and right at this moment, you were only just beginning to process it. In that one instant, everything changed, your world felt like it was falling apart around you, and the man who loved and raised you from the day you were born was now dead before your very eyes.

You were the daughter of a U.S ambassador in Nigeria and had been living there for a little over a year now. Today had started off like any other normal day until a group of terrorists captured you and held you and your father at gun point along with other members of the U.S. embassy. Although you had tried to appear calm, you felt your heat beating out of control, like it was going to jumped right out of your chest. It felt like an eternity but suddenly a cat-like man jumps through the window, claws armed and ready. To everyone standing in the room, he was the Black Panther and King Wakanda T'challa. To you, he was all that and someone you also considered a dear friend.  

You and T'challa had met during a Wakandan sponsored relief effort when his father was alive; he seemed difficult to approach at first due to his regal status, but he approached you first and once the you started a conversation with the future King of Wakanda, you and him soon became close friends. Anyways, the Black Panther came to your rescue; he fought off the terrorists while you and your father escorted the others out of the building. A stray bullet bounce off the walls and was heading towards you. "(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!" T'challa shouts at you. You had expected the bullet to hit you in the chest so you closed your eyes. You waited expecting death to take you, but when you open your eyes you see blood, but realize it was not your own. Your father had taken the hit for you. He looked at you smiling before he fell. You catch him but you see he was dead before he even had a chance to hit the ground.

By the time the Black Panther had taken down the terrorists and the police were able to get inside the building, you could be found standing there in utter shock looking down at the lifeless corpse that was once your father. You were at a lost for words. "(y/n)," a familiar voice breaks from your trance momentarily. It was T'challa who had just taken off his mask, "you may still be in danger. We need to take you someplace safe." You didn't respond, the thought that you had to leave your father behind at this moment seemed unthinkable. "We need to go," T'challa takes you by the arm, "NO!" you break free from his grip and rush to your father's body with tears streaming down your face. T'challa grabs your arm again, "We need to go!" he repeats with a more commanding tone. He practically drags you away from the scene and you, in a state of grief, fight him the whole time. Once you were outside, you broke down once more. T'challa attempts to comfort you but you shove him off and walk away. All he could do was watch.

After the danger had passed, a funeral was held in your father's honor. You stood tall trying to put on a brave face, refusing to appear weak in front of everyone around you. After the service you slump over to the nearest corner. You had wanted to be left alone until T'challa came up to you. "I'm sorry for the way I acted," you tell him, "I know you were trying to help and I hope you can forgive me." you start to fight the tears that were threatening to spill. "It is alright," he replies, "You were grieving. Grief often times makes people behave rashly." "Are you referring to when you lost your own father?" you ask. T'challa nods and puts a hand on your shoulder, "I know something of your pain. I know what it feels like to be driven by grief and I almost killed the wrong man because of it." "I should of taken that bullet, not him." you voice breaks a little. "It was not your fault. Your father took the bullet to save your life; parents protect their children, it is what they do." At his words you finally let the tears spill once more, "It doesn't make the pain or the guilt any less," you say, "How do you make it stop? How do you make the pain go away?"

T'challa was touched by your sadness and pulls you into a hug. "You'll get through, (y/n), I know you will," he comforts you. "How?" you ask more tears coming down. "Because you are fighter. You always have been." he continues to comfort you, "If you ever need someone to talk to about this, you don't need to hesitate to call me." You look up to him and sniffle one more time, "Thank you." 

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