Change- Bucky Barnes

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I think this is as good a time as any to work on a Bucky one-shot where Bucky gets his hair cut. Only for this one, the reader is not sure she wants him to actually cut his hair, even though he really wants to. Cute fluff.

"(Y/n)?" You hear Bucky's voice stir you from sleep as his metal hand shakes your shoulder. "Hmmmm?" You moan, opening your eyes to see the super soldier by your beside, "what's wrong Buck?" You ask in a groggy voice. "I uh," he begins, hesitant if he should admit that he had another nightmare, "I kinda sorta...." he scratches the back of his neck. "Another nightmare," You finish for him; sometimes you could hear him screaming in his sleep in the bedroom across from yours to know he was dreaming about his horrible past.
"Did you talk to Steve?" You ask. "I...I don't want to keep bothering him with these incidents anymore," he confesses, "it breaks his heart every time I sneak into his bedroom in the middle of the night." "And you thought it best to wake me up in the middle of the night?" You ask in a somewhat teasing manner. "Not initially," Bucky admits, "I tried to deal with it on my own, but it was too much to handle."

"It's okay, Bucky, I understand," you nod, "After what you've been through, I'd imagined it be too much for one single person to handle." He makes a sheepish smile, "You can sleep here if you want," you offer, patting the empty side of your bed. "You sure?" Bucky asks uncertain. You nod, taking his arm and pulling him into bed. "If you ever get these nightmares again, you can spend the nights here," you assure. "I don't want to be a burden," Bucky says uneasily settling in the bed. "You're not a burden. I don't mind doing this one bit," you assure, carding your fingers through his long hair, "In fact, I get to do this," you take strands of his hair and make a little braid. "That feels good," he  mumbles, already starting to fall asleep.


This has been your arrangement since that night Bucky came into your room. Whenever he had a nightmare he would visit your room and spend the night there; you would hold him close when he broke down in tears, explaining his nightmares. You would also sing little lullabies for him to sleep to, braiding his hair while you were at it.

Secretly you came to enjoy his visits; you hated that he had nightmares, but you looked forward to making braids in his long hair while singing him to sleep. You also hoped he would never cut said hair. Although you've seen old pictures of short hair Bucky in uniform, and thought he looked rather dashing, you preferred the long hair version.

"Hey, (y/n) can I ask you something?" Bucky asks you one night, while he was having another sleepover in your room. "Fire away," you answer nonchalantly while making a few small braids in his hair here and there. "Well," he begins, "I've been thinking about doing this for awhile." You hold your breath a little, anticipating what he was going to ask of you; you've been developing feelings for the handsome super soldier and had been hoping maybe these conjugal visits would eventually lead him into asking you out on an actual date.

"I've been thinking about cutting my hair short," he says, pulling you out of your thoughts. "Come again?" you ask confused as you cease braiding his hair. "I've been thinking about cutting my hair," Bucky repeats, "To make it like it was back in the forties." "Oh," you say, "I uh, you serious about that?" "Well, yeah," Bucky replies, "Steve pointed out the other day, that if I wanted to distance myself from the Winter Soldier, maybe looking more like the man I used to be might be one way to go. What do you think?" You weren't sure how to answer. On one hand you liked Bucky's hair the way it is, but if this was the only way to make any progress in healing, then you didn't want to stand in his way. "Um," you begin to answer, not able to come up with the best answer. "What's wrong?" Bucky asks worried, "You don't think it's a good idea?" "No, no," you hastily respond, "It's not that. It's just, it's seems like a pretty big change." "It's no big deal," Bucky tries to reason, "It's just hair. It grows back eventually." "Yeah I guess," you lower your head. "What are some reasons why I shouldn't do this?" Bucky asks. "Well," you try to think, not fully wanting Bucky to know you like to play with his hair, "I...I can't think of anything."

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