The Morning After- Thor

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Here comes another Morning After installment heading your way. For this one-shot the reader is married to Thor and the two of them had just got back from a battle in another realm and the adrenaline causes one thing to lead to another and you'll have to read the rest to find out what happens next.

You slowly stir from sleep as the morning sun peaks through the window. You find yourself laying on top of your husband, Thor's bare chest as he snored softly away without a care in the world. You try to move which was somewhat difficult as a result from last night. You smile to yourself though, thinking the lack of mobility was well worth it.

Since being married to the Asgardian Prince, you had been living a double life between Earth and Asgard. On Earth, you fought side by side with Thor as a fellow Avenger, on Asgard you were a princess. Every so often, whenever the two of you were in Asgard, Thor would have to settle disputes in the other nine realms with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, leaving you to spend time with the in-laws. Not that you didn't mind bonding with Thor's parents, you had just wished Thor would take you with him sometimes; you really wanted to see what the other nine realms were like and settling disputes sounded like fun.

When you and Thor had gone to Asgard again, there was dispute that had to be settled concerning marauders in Vanaheim. You decided this was the opportune moment to ask Thor to take you with him. "Thor, sweetie," you say to him as he gets ready to leave, "How come you never take me to these other places in the nine realms to settle disputes?" "Well I suppose because you never asked," was his reply, "A warrior maiden such as yourself, I would have assumed such disputes would bore you." "How is it any different from when we fight battles on Earth?" you question, "Or are you worried about something bad happening to me?" "You know full well I worry about you, as a husband should," Thor rests his forehead against yours, "but rest assured I would never think less of you. Very well, my love, you shall accompany me to Vanaheim with Lady Sif and the Warriors Three."

You were filled with excitement as you and Thor join his companions; Lady Sif was particularly excited to have another woman as part of the group. Heimdall sends the group to Vanaheim where a full-scale battle had broken out. You and Thor fight side-by-side knocking every marauder in your path. From one side of your peripheral vision, you see Thor swing his hammer at more marauders and Sif blocks her shield in front of him to stop a stray arrow from going through his head. On the other side of your vision, you see a few marauders were about to get the jump on Fandral and Volstagg who were pre-occupied at the moment. Wasting no time, you take the marauders out. More show up and surround you; Thor and the others are about to come to your aid but you took them all out before anyone could lift a finger to help. When the smoke cleared, you had emerged victorious and everyone else stood there in shock and amazement. "Your lady love is one of the finest warriors I had ever seen in decades," Volstagg compliments. "Indeed," agrees Sif, "We should take her with us more often."

As soon as you all get back to Asgard, you take Thor's hand and lead him to your shared bed chambers as fast as you can. You pull him into a long passionate kiss. You attempt to pull him even closer, hoping to get him as turned on as you were right at this moment. He had to pull away to breathe, "Where is this coming from, darling?" he asks panting. "I'm not sure," you reply, "Might be the lingering adrenaline." You had to admit to yourself this horny side was new to you; whether it was from being able to fight with your husband or the fact that you had impressed his companions with your fighting skills, you didn't want to question it right now. The two of you continue kissing than fall on the bed. Every scrap of clothing was quickly shed before you turn over so you're on top, than ride him all through the night.

In the morning as you awake on your husband's chest, you gaze at his sleeping figure; if you could you would spend the rest of your days laying there, watching him sleep in peace. You feel Thor start to stir from sleep, "You know it's rude to stare, darling," he teases which made you chuckle. You give him a peck on the lips as he opens his blue eyes. "So what did you think about last night?" you asked. "Well, I certainly didn't expect what you did last night," he smiles and strokes your hair, "Strangely enough I liked this new position very much." "Maybe I should ride you more often," you cheekily grin. "Maybe I should take you to more of these battles," he grins some more, "It brings out both the warrior and the feral beast within you." You move to straddle his hips and peck his lips some more, "Shall we go for another round before we start the day?" you cheekily ask. "I thought you would never ask," was your husbands reply. He groans as you start to grind on his hips.

Meanwhile Sif was walking to your bed chambers to let Thor know his father had requested his presence in the throne room. She was about to knock but than heard noises coming from the other side of the door; realizing the noises were yours and Thor's moans she quickly turns around and walk the other way back to the Warriors Three. "It would seem Lady Sif has failed in her task to arouse Thor from slumber," Fandral teases. "On the contrary," Sif replies, "It would seem the fair Lady (y/n) has awoken her husband long before I approached their chambers and has intended to keep him in bed for a little while longer." The warriors exchange glances in realization to what Sif was referring to. "It would seem we will have to inform the All-father that his son is occupied at the moment."

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