Tiny- Scott Lang

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This is my first Scott one-shot, where the reader, accidentally shrinks to small size when messing around with Scott's equipment.

"Scott?" you call out as you enter his unlocked apartment. You and him had been dating for nearly six months; you already knew about his second life as Ant-man and an Avenger, so you figured he was running late.

You did, however, notice his friends were laying about playing cards, tinkering with computers, and/or watching TV. "Hey, (y/n), what's up?" Luis happily greets. "Hey," you wave back, "Do any of you by any chance know where Scott is?" "I think he still has business to finish up with the Avengers," Luis replies. "Uh no, he took care of that a while ago," Dave interjects, "I think it's his day to visit his daughter." "Uh no, that was yesterday," Kurt disagrees. "Okay, then where is he?" you frown confusedly. The trio exchange looks, "We don't know," they simultaneously answer.

"You don't know where he is...yet you thought it was acceptable to allow yourself into his apartment and mooch off his beer and leftover meatloaf?" you raise an eyebrow. Dave slowly puts down the container of meatloaf he and Kurt were sharing. "We're gonna replace the beer," Luis insists. "Besides, Scott's cool with us hanging out here," Dave insists, "it's been our hang out since before you came into the picture." "Well, as long as Scott's okay with it," you accept.

"By the way, if my relationship with Scott does reach the point where we actually start living together, don't expect to keep barging in here whenever," you say sternly while heading towards Scott's bedroom, "I'd at least need a text in advance before doing so." "You got it," Luis replies, thumbs up, "Anything for one of Scott's best girl."

In need to take care of business, you stroll across Scott's bedroom so as to access his bathroom. After you were finished, you stepped out and immediately spotted some the extra gadgets Scott had laying on his bed.

You've seen Scott in his Ant-man suit on more then one occasion, and you've seen him using these little shrinking disks that and grow and shrink stuff. You always found this type of tech really fascinating and had  wanted to try it out for yourself. You shuffle over to the bed and pick up a red disk, "Hmmm, I do wonder how these things even work," you say to yourself.

You play with it for a bit then toss it at his bedside lamp. The moment the disk made contact, the lamp shrunk, taking you by surprise. Upon closer inspection, you spot the tiny size lamp right in the middle of the nightstand. "Wow," you say in amazement, then pick up a blue disk, "If red shrinks, the blue must be the one that..." you toss the blue disk at the lamp, making it grow back to its original size. "I wonder what else I can shrink around here," you look around the room.

Before long, you started to get carried away with the disk tossing, shrinking and growing every object you could find in the room. "I love this technology," you giggle tossing a red disk in air and catching it. However, the moment the red disk made contact with your hand, you felt an odd sensation. It almost felt as if time was slowing down as you start to shrink. "Uh oh," you nervously utter.

The moment the weird sensation passed, you take in your surroundings and sure enough, everything was gigantic; you had shrunk much Alice from that Lewis Carol novel. "Oh crap," you face-palm, "What am I gonna do? Where is the nearest blue disk?" you spot one on top the bed. If you weren't 8 inches tall, you would've reached for that disk no problem. You take notice of the bed sheets hanging over the bed.

Walking, or running more like, to the edge of the bed, you attempt to climb the sheets, only to fall backwards from lack of upper arm strength, and land right on your back. Blowing hair from your face, you decide to take a running start in order to make the climb. The results of the second attempt were pretty much the same, "Ugh, I really need to consider lifting weights, cause this is really sad right now," you groan, "Maybe it'd be easier if I just yanks the sheets down to get to the disk."

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