More to Life- Bruce Banner

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This was requested by AvaleiLovesYou who asked for a one-shot that featured a biromantic asexual reader. I may have taken a few liberties with this, and also this is my first time writing an asexual character; I did a little bit of extensive research since I don't really have much know-how in asexuality, so some feedback might be nice.

The reader in this one-shot, aside from being asexual, is also a new recruit to the team, and they start to wonder if the reader has a boyfriend or girlfriend, especially Bruce.


"Ooohhhh yeah, soooooo gooood," you moan, grabbing the attention from some of the team at the kitchen. "what?" you notice them staring, "you never seen someone really enjoy a hot fudge sundae before?" "Yeah the way you moaned, it almost sounds like you want to make out with that hot fudge sundae," Sam comments. "Or I could just keep eating it all out and lick it clean afterwards," you shrug, "I gotta tell ya, that sundae bar Tony installed in the kitchen was probably the best idea he's ever come up with...other than his Iron Man suits of course."
"You sure it's a good idea to be indulging in one before noon though?" Clint asks. "Like you never I've never seen you indulge in the exact same thing after midnight," you playfully retort. "It's a midnight snack, there's a difference," Clint huffs.

"Oh that reminds me, I gotta get going, see you all later," you get up and leave, only to bump into someone on the way, "Oh hey, Bruce," you greet, "There's leftover bacon by the stove if you want any." "Uh, thanks (y/n)," Bruce nods, catching himself staring as you leave, that not going unnoticed by some on the team.

"Looks like Brucie here has a crush on a certain newbie on the team," Clint teases. "Who? Me? No," Bruce shakes his head, "I mean, I like her a little, I like her mind and her personality." "So it's more than just a crush," Nat raises an eyebrow. "Does anyone by any chance know if (y/n) has a boyfriend? Or girlfriend if she happens to go both ways." The present team exchange glances, "So nobody knows," Bruce asks for confirmation. "I don't think so," Rhodey replies, "In fact, I'm not entirely sure if she has ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Course she hasn't really been on the team that long for us to really know about her love life." "She must have some admirers, given her bubbly outgoing personality," Nat theorizes. "How do you mean?" Bruce asks. "Well she does hang out with Peter a lot," Nat points out. "I don't think you have much to worry about," Sam assures, "Why don't you ask her? You could find a way to be subtle about it." "I guess I could give it a shot," Bruce accepts, "I'll go look for her."


"Perfect timing Peter," you greet as Peter drops in, "I just fix the vibration on your new phone." You had promised to sort out the vibration on Peter's phone since it was  sorta weedy, "how's your Aunt doing?" "Keeping it together like usual," Peter answers, "Can call my phone so I can the vibrate?" "Sure," you nod. You dial the number as Peter places his phone on the table. The table practically shook from the vibrations. "Is that the highest setting?" he asks in pleasant shock. "That is the lowest setting," you state. "Awesome," was all Peter could say, "Let's test out the settings!"

By the time Bruce walk in on the scene, you and Peter had vibration setting set to five. "Ooh put it on 6," you encourage. "I'll put it in my pocket," Peter giddly exclaims. You laugh as Peter wobbles about from the vibrations, "Now try it at seven."
Bruce clears his throat, grabbing your attention. "hey, Bruce," you greet, "Wanna try out the new vibration settings I rigged on Peter's phone?" "Uh maybe later," Bruce answers, "I actually wanted to ask you something, (y/n)."

"Sure, okay," you nod, "We can pick up where we left off another time, Peter," you inform the young superhero. "So, what did you want to talk about?" you inquire of Bruce. "Well uh, I was kinda hoping....," Bruce began but didn't seem to finish, "See I was wondering...I wanted to know...I thought maybe...maybe you'd want to get a cup of coffee?....maybe?" "If you wanted to get me coffee you could always brew some in the kitchen," you suggest, "I take mine with cream and sugar." "Well actually I meant..." Bruce begins to blush, "How about instead of coffee we go someplace for lunch?" "I could always eat lunch," you nod, "I know a place around the corner on 3rd if that's okay with you." "Okay sounds good," Bruce accepts. "By the way, is anyone on the team going to be joining us? Clint? Sam? Steve? Tony maybe?" you ask. "Uh, they might," Bruce answers, "Though I'm sure they wouldn't mind us getting started if they happen to show up late." "Okay," you nod, "I'll see you again in a couple hours?"

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