The 4. Disastrous Day

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"Kusuo, there is no salt at home anymore, can you go out to buy some for me?"

[So, this is why I am here now.]

Saiki stood in front of the supermarket door expressionlessly, with a handwritten note sticking on the closed shutter door.

[The owner's wife ran away from home again and is currently pursuing her, so today the store is closed ahead of time - smiley face]

[What do they mean with ran away 'again'?]

[Why do you sound so happy that the wife has run away from home?]

[And since it's a hand-written note, draw the smiley properly.]

With a sigh, Saiki used [clairvoyance] to find a supermarket nearby.

[I remember that the supermarket over at the school is usually closed late... Found it.]

It seems that the school's supermarket is still open for some time and since his teleportation is still on cool down. Saiki decides to walk over.

However, while passing the park...

[Really, you dumb caretaker! I already said that I will not eat this kind of high-calorie fish since I'm currently trying to lose weight!]

A sweet voice could be heard, like that of a cute six or seven years old girl.


Saiki turned to look at the source.

"What's going on, why won't you eat today, didn't you like it yesterday..." A man squatted on the ground, tempting the little master in front of him with the dried fish in his hand.

[Ah~ All humans really are the same, all of them really don't listen to others at all!]

The shiny and fluffy fur gives off a healthy atmosphere. The scar on the bridge of the nose looks fierce, the fangs in the mouth are looming and strong muscles can be seen to show obvious muscle lines.

[Hey! Stinky rogue over there! Don't stare at people like that!]

The black cat snarled at Saiki and the hair on his tail exploded, showing an attacking gesture.

'...No, I just didn't expect a cat with such a voice to be so...robust.'

Saiki pushed his glasses.

[Meow? Human, do you understand what I am saying?]

The black cat was a little surprised and forgot about the posture he had just put on.

'...Well, kind of.'

Afterward, Saiki realized he got himself in trouble.

[Human, tell this stupid caretaker that I don't want this kind of high-fat fish!]

The black cat shook its tail in excitement.

'I refuse.'

[Huh? why? How can you have the heart to refuse such a lovely cat?]

'...It's quite unbearable with the contrast of your voice and appearance.'

[What?!...] The black cat was hurt and his ears dropped.

"Hey, boy.", The middle-aged man who hadn't said a word suddenly said, "You understand what he's saying."

'Sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about.', Saiki denied it without hesitation.

"...Do you think of me as an idiot?"

'No, I just really don't understand.'

"Well, forget it, I'll ask you a couple of questions.", The middle-aged man stood up, a long piece of cloth wrapped around his neck like a scarf, some stubble on his chin, messy hair, and a pair of bloodshot eyes. He looked a little worn out, but still clean.

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now