The 50. Disastrous Day

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[I kind of feel sorry for Bakugou. ]

After the award ceremony, everyone returned to their classroom and waited for Aizawa to make a concluding speech and dismiss them.

Saiki supported his chin with his left hand and played with a pen with his right. He looked at Bakugou, who was still holding his medal, shaking with anger.

His hair that looked like it exploded trembled because of his movements, the color looked a little like pudding ...

"It's been a rough day today." Aizawa opened the door and walked in. "There will be no school tomorrow or the day after. Once school starts again, we will look at invitations from various hero agencies."

"So ..." The class held their breath.

Aizawa opened his eyes lazily: "Enjoy your free time till then."

An uncontrollable cheer sounded in the classroom.

[No school? ... I haven't had time to play the game I bought before. ]

The pen in his hand tapped on the table, Saiki decided to enjoy his holidays.

Looking up, he accidentally bumped into a pair of big green eyes.

[Although Iida told explained things before he left, the reason was also very worrying, I hope that his brother Ingenium wasn't seriously injured... oh no, Saiki-san ...]

[Yare yare, he's even mumbling non-stop in his head.]

Seeing his childhood friend turning his head away quickly, Saiki's eyes moved to the only empty seat.

[Well, it would be very troublesome if even the class rep was depressed. ]

"Saiki-san, will you head home together later?"

Midoriya's big eyes looked over.

[No, I want to be alone. ]

Saiki refused his expression.

"Then, I'll go find All  Might first and then we will go back together!"

——Unfortunately, he has forgotten that his childhood friend has never looked at his expressions.

Saiki: '......'

[I should just go away while he is looking for All Might. ]

Quickly packing up his things, Saiki tried to slip away before Midoriya came back.

"... You! Come with me!"

Two palms slammed against Saiki's desk, leaving a black mark after making small explosions.

Bakugou showed a gruesome expression and looked like a villain who bullied others.

Saiki: '......'

Ah, how could he have forgotten.

He had more than one childhood friend.


Carrying his school bag on his right, Saiki leaned against the wall.

The tyrant in front of him looked like a pufferfish who tried not to blow himself up.

"——So!" He gritted his teeth.

"What did you bastard do in the last battle?"

[Sure enough, it still came. ]

Although Saiki indeed did something, it is impossible for him to admit it.

Saiki shook his head decisively.

Bakugou: "..."


The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon