The 70. Disastrous Day

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When Saiki returned to the bedroom with a bag of things for him, he found that his bed was messed up again and that there were several suspicious scratches on the floor, but the big dog who should be staying here was missing.

'Bakugou? '

He put down his things, used his superpowers to make the bedroom clean again and followed the sound of water to the bathroom.

Just as he thought that his bedroom was already a mess, he got to see the bathroom.

[Yare yare, did Bakugou have a fight with himself or something?]

Without even doubting the possibility of him doing this kind of thing, Saiki turned off the faucet while floating in the air and then restored the crooked bottles and the basket on the ground.

[Bakugou's not here, did he run away?]

Looking around, Saiki did not see Bakugou's golden fur anywhere, Saiki had a gut feeling.

Although it was unlikely, he still checked with his clairvoyance.

Saiki: "..."

Quickly walking to the bathtub full of water, he lowered his head.

The blurry face of a dog was seen under the water surface.

'What are you doing, Bakugou?'

Saiki's tone was calm.


A bubble burst and the big dog got his head out of the bathtub.

The water splashed out, causing Saiki to take a step back.

Bakugou crawled out of the bathtub, slipping in the process.

The fur soaked in water was no longer fluffy, but stuck to his body, especially the fur on the face, that was covering his eyes and dripping with water.

'So is this your newly developed hobby or something? '

Saiki crossed his arms and looked at Bakugou's miserable appearance

Bakugou said nothing and shook his body to shake off the water.

[I really don't understand what he was thinking.]

Saiki took the newly purchased towel from the bedroom and rubbed his head with it.

The big dog obediently sat still and as the towel was wiping his dripping head, he was very quiet.

Saiki snapped his fingers and the remaining water on Bakugou's body evaporated, making all his hair explode again.

He stretched out his paws and pressed them hard against fur that was blocking his eyes. When Bakuhao let go, the fluffy hair instantly exploded back into place, leaving no trace.

Bakugou: "..."

[Good, this time the temperature was just right.]

Saiki looked at Bakugou's new look in a good mood and was very satisfied with his work.

——Be aware that he used to be a person who accidentally burns his clothes when trying to dry them.

Bakugou walked out of the bathroom with heavy steps, when he arrived next to the bed of Saiki and he stopped and laid down.

Saiki: ?

[You seem depressed, Bakugou.]

The big dog quietly laid on the ground.

Feeling that something was wrong, Saiki thought about what could have happened while he was away.

Instead of checking on Bakugou, he turned back to the bathroom and took off his glove to touch the bathtub.

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now