The 44. Disastrous Day

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[Even if I successfully reach the finals, I can just admit defeat when I face you. ]

[So this question is unsolvable, give up. ]

Saiki looked at Bakugou with a blank expression, the fierce eyes of the teenager glared at him and his lips turned into a line, here was no intention of compromising.

Just when the two were in a tense situation, a cell phone rang suddenly.

"Answer the phone." 

 Suprisingly it was Saiki's phone.

Saiki, who didn't act, heard Bakuou's words and was a little surprised. He just took his mobile phone with him just in case, usually no one would contact him. So for all these years, he could hardly hear it ringing.

Turning the phone on, the display showed that the caller was Taketa Nissho.

[Taketa ... Why would he be calling me? ]

Saiki answered the phone.


"Saiki-san, is everything all right?" Taketa's voice sounded excited.

'I'm doing just fine, how about you?' Saiki glanced at Bakugou who was staring at him.

 "You ... you were amazing! I was so suprised when a giant jelly suddenly appeared! I was pretty sure it was your doing since you like coffee jelly so much!" Taketa expressed his eager excitement.

'Okay, okay calm down.' Saiki glanced at Bakugou again, 'How about we meet up after the festival, then you can tell me all the things you want? " '

"Ah sure! It's just we haven't talked for a while and your battle was too amazing, so I got a little excited, I'll go visit you at your house to talk to you about it face to face!" After that, they said their goodbyes and hung up the phone.

 Saiki: ...

[Didn't we just talk right before my battle?]

Somewhat helplessly looking at his phone, Saiki did not realize the sour expression on Bakugous face.

[Forget it, it's not that big of a deal.]

Bakugou waited till Saiki put away the phone and asked naturally, "Who was it?"

'Someone I met before ... a friend?' Saiki thought out loud.

Bakugou's expression was strange: "You have other friends?"

Saiki: ... Why are you looking at me like that? Isn't it normal?

Bakugou: No, it's a little weird when it comes to you.

After all, Saiki is a person who if able to would stay by himself without interacting people.

[Well, if it wasn't for me coincidentally encountering himagain and again, it is estimated that I will not interact with him. ]

Saiki acknowledged that he did not want to have too much contact with people and proposed: 'Let's back first. '

Bakugou: "Alone?"

Saiki: '... together. '

With a slight hum, Bakugou took the first step and walked ahead. Every step seemed to be a venting stomp: "Who the hell is that person, saying that he'll visit you so casually ..."

Saiki: ... Could it be that you're jealous

The unhappy Bakugou directly went to the waiting room to prepare as soon as they returned to the stadium and Saiki returned to the seating area of ​​Class 1-A.

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now