The 49. Disastrous Day

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Bakugou woke up with his body in pain.

[Ugh... what happened? ]

He rolled over and felt something under his body.

Bakugou turned to look at the the thing that was under him.

The teenager's eyes were closed, his face was extremely pale and his pink hair seemed to lose its color, as it softly fell on the sides of his cheeks, his breathing was weak.

——Sai ... ki?

Never before has he seen him look so fragile, so Bakugou was stunned for a moment, he reached out his hand and put it on his cheek, not even noticing that it was trembling.


-Just like ... a corpse.

Frowning, he slammed his head against his chest.

——ba-dump, ba-dump...

It was slow, but there is a heartbeat.

As if he was relieved, Bakugou loosened his unconsciously clenched fist, leaving a light crescent mark on his palm, soaked in sweat.

"The first who woke up is---Katsuki Bakugou!!!"

Present Mic's voice made Bakugou remember what they were doing. He propped up his sore legs and stood up next to Saiki.

[Now ... we're still in the battle. ]

Looking around still a bit dazed, the excited cheering of the professional heroes in the audience surrounded him. He saw the unbelievable expressions of his classmates, the shocked expression of his childhood friend and ...

Shaking his painful head, Bakugou gritted his teeth, as several flashbacks flashed through his mind.

[Wait ... what was that? ]

[... me and four eyes ...]

After realizing what he was thinking and realizing what the picture in his mind meant, Bakugou was completely stunned.

Just then, Midnight swung her whip and announced that Saiki had lost consciousness.

So in the cheers resounding throughout the audience, the camera was aimed at the only young man standing in the middle of the field.

The blonde young boy stood still staring ahead blankly, his eyes wide open and his fierce expression was replaced by a dumbfounded one. If you look closely, there wasw a trace of  panic in his deep red eyes.

——I fucking kissed four eyes?!!


[Huh? I can't hear it. ]

Saiki slightly moved his body after the teacher announced that he had lost consciousness and lost.

[My acting must be pretty convincing.]

When Saiki woke up, he found out that he could not hear Bakugou's thoughts anymore.

[I somehow feel like it will be more troublesome if I can't hear it...]

Relaxing his body and letting the medical robot lift himself on the stretcher, Saiki was sent to the medical room.

Recovery girl carefully observed him, then sat back on her chair: "It's time to wake up, you have already left the arena."

Opening one eye and glancing around, Saiki sat up, after seeing that a certain blonde wasn't around.

'Sorry, for the bother. '

He politely apologized to the nurse, but did not intend to move.

Recovery Girl looked at him and smiled: "What's wrong, aren't you going back?"

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now