The 13. Disastrous Day

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[......What to do.]

Saiki slowly withdrew his hand, his brain thinking rapidly.

[Should I erase their memories?... No, no, there are way too many witnesses.]

[Mind control... No, taking off the supressors may cause even more bad things to happen instead.]

[...Then let's pretend that nothing happened.]

Saiki turned back and looked at Tsuyu Asui who had witnessed it all in front of her.

[As for this one... maybe I should silence her?]

Sensing a hint of danger. Tsuyu looked at the young boy who looked harmless but did have powerful strength suddenly showing his murderous instincts in an instant.

"... Thank you for saving me!"

Looking at the girl silently, Saiki secretly sighed.

'Your welcome. '

After saying that, Saiki pulled up the pipe connected to the wall, threw it aside and turned away.

In th monitoring room.

Not only the candidates, but also the professional heroes saw the zero-point robot fly out.

"... This kind of power, even I would need to at least throw a punch."

All Might took the lead in breaking the silence, thinking of Saiki's recent feat.

"But he just reached out and pushed it gently, not even as hard as he could ..." Cementoss said slowly.

"So that means, during this whole exam he didn't even try at all ..." Aizawa leaned against the wall, showing an expression of interest, "very interesting, this little brat."

President Nezu put down the operation panel in his hand and his face returned to a gentle look. He took the tea that was about to be cold and took a sip.

"The young people nowadays are really incredible."


After the entrance examination was over, Saiki went back alone without waiting for Midoriya, what happened during the examination completely exceeded his expectations.

[I didn't expect to lose control in front of so many people.]

Thinking about this, Saiki stayed at home for a few days until Midoriya came to the door.

"UA will send us the notice tomorrow or so, Saiki-san ..."

Midoriya was sitting in a coffee shop, holding a cup of tea, looking unmotivated.

'I know. '

Saiki scooped a spoonful of coffee jelly, his eyes flickered a little.

[Having destroyed half of UA's training ground, I don't know if I will be accepted.]

"How does Saiki-san feel?" Wanting to brighten the mood, Midoriya asked Saiki with a smile, "You should be able to get in!"

'... I think Mizuho High School is also a good choice. '

Saiki swallowed his jelly and said calmly. Although it's good to join UA together ... there is no way it can happen.

"Really, I knew it ... huh? Huh! What? Mizuho High School ?!" Midoriya stared at Saiki with wide and suprised eyes and jumped up. "What's wrong? Did something happen during the exam?"

'Well, a lot has happened. '

Saiki thought about the tragedy during the exam and decided not to say more.

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now