The 98. Disastrous Day

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After the battle between All Might and All For One ended, there were many strange rumors.

It was unclear where they came from, but when they found out about them, everyone was already talking about it.

The cause was All Might openly announcing his retirement.

No, it cannot be called retirement.

On the first talk show All Might participated in after the battle, the busy No. 1 Hero who had been busy for many years still smiled and said this.

"I have occupied this position for a long time. Before that, everyone regarded me as "the symbol of peace." The tall man did not stutter, "And I indeed used to be that."

"But after teaching in UA this year, I entered the world of young people and met many very promising children!"

When it came to this, he paused for a moment, as if remembering something and laughed even more happily.

"They let me see the vitality and infinite possibilities of our new generation, the future will eventually develop into their own new world!"

"--Of course, even if my hero activity is reduced, I will still guard everyone in secret!"

With both eyes looking straight at the camera, All Might's words seemed to be addressed to a specific someone, but also to everyone.

"So, if you do something bad, don't think about being able to escape!"

This talk show had caused a huge wave throughout the country. In addition to people worrying about whether their safety after the retirement of the N0. 1 Hero was still guaranteed, other rumors such as "All Might is already tired of being a hero" and "This All Might is fake and the real All Might was actually dead" were spread around.

Pushing the whole thing to a climax, someone posted a photo on the Internet that he accidentally took after the end of the battle.

A really skinny man wore a battle suit that seemed to be too big for him, he bent down while hugging his body, his expression looking like he was in pain and a trace of blood on the corners of their mouth.

The person who released the photo claimed that it was taken while hiding in the corner in order to wait for All Might to come out of the battlefield. But, he did not wait for All Might who should have come out, instead it was a strange man—who was wearing All Might's special combat uniform.

The man speculated that this person might be All Might, who suffered an unknown injury and now he might have retired because treating the injury was more important.

This remark caused extreme panic.

Knowing that the No. 1 Hero had retired and knowing that the No. 1 Hero was going to die were seriously two completely different concepts. The former meant that he was at least only inactive in the public eyes and the latter meant they would be losing their symbol of peace forever.

Just when people in the society panicked and the criminals in the dark were about to strike.

Someone posted a photo of himself and All Might online again.

The person who posted it said that when they were traveling in the United States, they met All Might and his friends who came to relax and that they were very kind.

"All Might looked great!" he wrote on his blog. "Strong, spirited and dressed in casual clothes—he looked like he was returning to college just like when he just debuted!"

When this remark came out, it caused fans to feel quite nostalgic. At this point, the rumor that he was about to die because he was seriously injured was immediately debunked.

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now