The 32. Disastrous Day

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'--You want to declare war on me? '

Saiki looked at the explosive tyrant who spoke such arrogant words in front of him. He was a bit taken aback since no one ever challenged him, after finding out about his abilities.

"Yeah, four-eyes! What's wrong, are you scared ?!" Bakugou shouted with a fierce look.

'......No. '

There was a hint of interest in his voice and the corner of his mouth evoked an imperceptible arc.

'It's better to say, that I look forward to it very much. '

-He's looking forward to someone that is able to beat him.

Hearing Saiki's reply, Bakugou slowly grinned, his face full of madness.

The bloody red pupils deeply reflected Saiki, even though they were the same color, it was different from the cold feeling when Shigaraki looks at people---being looked at by Bakugou was like bathing in a fire, warm but also dry.

"--Then wait for me!"

Throwing this last sentence, Bakugou left without looking back.

When Saiki teleported back home, his father and mother had fallen asleep. He simply tidied up and went to bed, but after a while, he discovered something unbelievable ...

He, Kusuo Saiki, is facing his first 'too excited to fall asleep' phase in his life.

With his eyes open, he witnessed that the night faded away and the sky was getting brighter. Saiki felt really uncomfortable.

[Is it my menopause ... how is that possible?!]

Even with the age of the previous world, Saiki is only about 30 years old ... wait counting him also repeating sophomore ...

[... It must have been the cool breeze last night.]

Reasonably avoiding the topic of age, Saiki blamed that sleepless night on the weather at the top of the mountain and refused to acknowledge the fact that it is now summer.

In the end, Saiki didn't even close his eyes overnight, he got up to take a shower.

As someone with superpowers, he will not have any problems even if he does not sleep for three days, but the good habits he has developed for many years will make him feel a little tired after being awake all night.

[Yesterday it was said that we will meet at the mall near here.]

Going downstairs for breakfast, Saiki took out his mobile phone and began to read yesterday's chats.

Because of Aizawa standing in front of the students to protect them in the USJ incident, everyone expressed gratitude to the teacher. In addition to the students at the scene who described the incident in detail the people who were not present. Who were saying how terrible the teacher was hurt at that time-" Mr. Aizawa was not breathing at that time!"-Under the organization of the class rep, everyone decided to use this day off to choose gifts for the teacher.

[Who said the exaggerated story.]

Today the weather is very good, the sun is not very dazzling, nor does it feel hot, Saiki walked to the meeting place leisurely.

[Even though I already reverted time to heal him.]

"Saiki-san!" Unexpectedly, instead of the whole class waiting there, it was only Midoriya.

'Are the others not here yet?' Saiki approached him with some doubts, he thought he was already late.

"... No, we can walk around freely, so they already went ahead ..."

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now