The 83. Disastrous Day

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According to the messages in their group chat, they agreed to meet after lunch at around 1pm.

[Since this is the case, I'll wait until four or five in the afternoon before going out.]

Making this decision, Saiki turned to the next page of the comic in his hand.

[By then they should have already gone home and they will not meet.]

Suddenly, he sighed and put down the comic in his hand.

Using his teleportation he appeared in the living room: 'What's wrong, Mother.'

Because he can hear their thoughts through telepathy, his father and mother usually just think about it when they want something from him and just now he heard his mother calling him.

"Oh, Kusuo, there is something I want to trouble you~"

She saw Saiki and happily took out a beautifully wrapped package.

"Could you bring this to Bakugou's house?"

[Bakugou's house?]

Saiki looked at the package in his hand.

'But didn't you want to go out with your friends this afternoon?'

"We were at first... but Mitsuki seemed to have suddenly got sick, so she can't come anymore. Fortunately, I heard that Katsuki-kun will be home today, so he can take care of her."

'So this is?'

He held up the package and looked inside with X-Ray.

"It's just some small snacks~ Although it is not as good as their dishes, it is suitable to eat when you are sick!"

[Are you sure, mother.]

Saiki fell silent when he saw the Japanese desserts that did not look very good.

"Ah, it's already noon... I'll leave this to you, Kusuo!"

She hurriedly put on her coat and put on her shoes at the door.

"Remember to say hello to her for me! ...If she is really uncomfortable, you will stay and help Bakugou take care of her!"


After being ruthlessly left behind by his mother, Saiki was a little lost.

[...Forget it, let's go check the situation first.]

If it's just a sudden cold, maybe he could help.

Going back to his room, he took his shopping list, changed to a black shirt and then went out.

The Bakugou family's house was actually very close, it was only a little farther away than Midoriya's House.

Saiki rang the doorbell of the front of the gate with the word "Bakugou" written on it.

"Hello... it's Kusuo?"

It was Mitsuki Bakugou who came to open the door, who looked tired and in very low spirits.

"Hello, I was sent by my mother to visit..."

"It's alright, come in!"

Interrupting Saiki, a smile appeared on her face and she looked much better.

Saiki was forced to sit down on the sofa, as Mitsuki took the desserts he brought to the kitchen and brought some out.

The dessert Saiki got was not one of the desserts he brought, it seemed like it was made by them.

He carefully out a piece into his mouth, the taste was very good, sweet but savory, the one who made it should be either Bakugou or his father.

'Are you feeling unwell?'

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now