The 69. Disastrous Day

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Of course, Saiki couldn't take a large, aggressive dog with him on the train, so he immediately teleported home from the station's bathroom.

Directly appearing in front of the entrance of his house, Saiki was relieved to find that his mother and father were not at home.

Bakugou shook his head, feeling a bit dizzy and then passed Saiki to dash into the house.

'Wait,' Saiki quickly grabbed the big dog's tail, 'Wipe your feet!'

Bakugou: ...

grumpily stepping back, the big dog stretched out his paws and rubbed them on the wet towel brought by Saiki.

'You should go to my bedroom first. '

After wiping all four paws clean, the big dog turned around and ran upstairs, already familiar with the house.

Saiki went to the kitchen to get yogurt and bread before going upstairs.

The moment he opened the door, his face turned dark.

'What are you doing, Bakugou?'

His calm voice had a hint of annoyance.


Jumping out of the now messy bed, Bakugou approached Saiki as if nothing had happened, sniffing what was on his hand.

He hasn't eaten anything since he turned into a dog, so he was really hungry right now.

Rolling his eyes, Saiki tore the yogurt lid open and put it on the ground.

Since he originally was a human, he had never eaten anything from the ground. Bakugou silently looked at the yogurt placed on the ground.


Saiki picked up the yogurt again and held it in front of Bakugou.

Bakugou: ...!!!

He just recently confirmed his feelings for someone and now that person was personally feeding him... Was a little... stimulating.

—He suddenly didn't mind becoming a dog at all.

The tail behind him unconsciously started wagging, hitting the ground. Bakugou hesitantly approached the yogurt in Saiki's hand and started eating with care.

It didn't taste that bad.

Probably because he was really hungry, Saiki looked at Bakugou who was eating quite quickly.

There was not much yogurt, so Bakugou soon finished it.

Pulling out a tissue, Saiki wiped the big dog's face all over.

Taking the bread, he tore it apart and handed it over.

'There are no other things at home, so for now, eat these first.'

Grabbing the loaf of bread and swallowing it, Bakugou showed a disgusted expression. He looked up at Saiki's eyes and patted the ground with his paws.

"Woof, woof—"

[Who wants to eat this kind of thing?! I want to eat something spicy!! spicy!!]

Saiki indifferently stuffed the remaining bread into the dog mouth opened by Bakugou, stopping his protest.

'Dogs cannot eat such spices. '

Bakugou's mouth was full of bread and his face was twisted, showing a complex look between shock and irritation.

——So why can a dog make such a complicated expression?

Saiki pretended not to see Bakugou's expression, sat down and began to analyze the cause of the incident.

The Disastrous Life Of The Hero Saiki K [My Hero Academia X Saiki K Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now