Chapter 8

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—🕊Yoru Yasuda Yugi (POVs)

" Look! She is sleeping. *smile*" I said while looking at our king's adopted baby girl, who actually has a resemblance from both King and Queen.

" Put her to her own room, the Queen says that the Princess should be sleeping peacefully now." Zenaku said and so I carried little Yurina very slowly.

As my brother and I, was walking through the hallway, Yurina woke up on my arms, she then rubs her cute red eyes and yawned.

" Go back to sleep, sweet princess. *smile*" I said and she then goes back to sleep again but...

" I'm hungwy, I bwant to bweat. *pouts*" Yurina

" I'll bring food to her room, make sure she stays inside the room." Zenaku said and I then opened the room where Yurina will be staying.

I then put her on the bed and sit next to her as I brushed her soft shiny black hair and I also removed her ribbon on her hair.

" Is mommy and daddy will be home yet? " Yurina

( She calls the Queen and King—mommy and daddy? )

( That is so cute.)

" They will be home now." I said while brushing her hair.

" Do you want to take a bath? While Zenaku gets some food for you? " I said and she just nodded.

" I'll bring some towels to your bathroom and some clothes to wear before you go to sleep, okay? " I said

" Like pajamas? " Yurina

( Pajama? Is that a human word? )

" Ah.. Whatever you say. *smile*" I said and then stood up.

( What the hell is pajamas? )

I then grabbed some evening clothes for her to wear, and some towels she could used, I then went to the bathroom and got some warm water with bubbles.

After that, I then went outside and brought her inside the bathroom, so she could get some good relaxing bathing before she could sleep.

" Knocked on the door if you are done, okay? " I said and she just nodded again.

When Yurina was inside the bathroom and I was just standing there beside the bathrooms door, when suddenly my brother come back immediately.

" Where is Yurina? " Zenaku

" She's in the bathroom. " I said

" Is she taking a bath? " Zenaku

" Clearly of course, but did the Queen and King arrived yet? " I said

" Yeah, they did, they are in the living room, I told them that Yurina is in her room and she will eat before she will sleep. " Zenaku said

I was about to speak, when I heard a knock on the door and so I then opened it and just to see Little Yurina wearing her white dress with wet hair.

" Are they here? *smile* I heard you guys talking, are they here? *smile* " Yurina

" Yes, but before that, you should eat first, they will come here later.*smile*" Zenaku

Yurina then run towards to Zenaku and she sit besides him, Zenaku then tried to feed Yurina, but she snatched the spoon right on his hand and says she can do it to herself.

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