Chapter 72

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—🕊Mizuhashi Yurina Rokurō (POVs)

I then went towards to this window with so much fancy design and I then looked the outside of the window.

( I can see the students up here.)

( It looks good.)

" We'll this room wasn't really empty, it was filled with so many stuff, Until our group members left." I heard shan said.

( Group members??? )

( Are they building a group? )

" Why did they leave the group? Did something happened? " I said and they give me a sit.

" We'll, the group was crashing down, we barely can't make it to the 'TOP' as a group. " Sephra said

" And? " I said

" And the other group members, really wanted to be one of the Top 200 group, but we just can't make it, there are lots of cool groups, that we can't beat. " Sephra said

" Plus, we can't even make one proper mission, we always failed to do our group mission, that is also why they all leave and they joined another group that are popular a d powerful. " Shan said and so I just nodded.

" Plus, we also fight sometimes because of the group mission we can't do it properly, like what we just said, it always failed. " Sephra said

" That is also the main reason. " Shan said and so I just sighed and smiled to them.

" And we are actually planning to give up the group. " Sephra said

( They are giving up the group? )

( Thats a bit sad.)

" May I ask the group name was?  " I said

" Our group name was called 'Sect of Tree'." Shan said

( Oh my goodness...)

( Seriously?!!! )

( Is that even a demon group name??? )

( No wonder the members are leaving.)

( Because they are so SECT.)

" Who created that ridiculous name?  " I said

" Hey, don't you dare stump on that name, I created that." Sephra said and so I just smiled.

" No wonder." I said and smiled.

( But.. Why did her sister brought me here? )

( Am I related to this matter? )

" But.. Why am I exactly here?  " I said

" Oh, I just brought here because I want you to know the secret room, since you are still new here. " Shan said and I just nodded.

( Thats her excuse? )

( Shame.)

" Are you two really just going to give up? " I said

" We'll, there is nothing we can do. " Sephra said and I then looked to her younger sister who just nodded too.

( Gosh, I never knew demons would be also like this.)

( I could almost think.. They seems to be more human than those humans on the human world.)

( And especially than me.)

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