Chapter 45

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—🕊Yoru Yasuda Yugi (POVs)

As strawberry was helping my brother to make a cake, I then stare at this Mother F*cker who was intensely looking at my strawberry and so I tapped his shoulder and he then looked at me.

" Don't stare for too long, she might melt down." I said and he just smile.

" I actually didn't expect that.. She would just suddenly wake up and then turn out to be like this." He said and so I looked at my strawberry again.

( Right.)

" As I remember, she was this little and she was still a seven year old little girl running and doing some weird stuff inside the school, but now?  " he said while looking at my strawberry helping my brother.

" She's this big now, within just a week, and that is crazy. " He said and then looked at me and so I just nodded.

( I actually didn't know she would actually grow up pretty fast.)

( If I knew that this would happen, I might have been carry her all the time on my arms.)

( And now that she's not little anymore, I can't carry my strawberry anymore, because if I did...)

( It might looks weird.)

( Someone might think... Were something.)

( And calling her 'My Strawberry'sounds pretty weird now, we'll for me.)

( It feels like it has deep meaning on it, maybe I'm just the one who's thinking like that.)

" Thirthy minutes right? " Yurina

" Yup, I'll just go grab a wine." Zenaku said and was about to leave.

" But I don't drink wine, can I still drink milk? Or maybe strawberry?? " Yurina said and that made my brother and I smile, and my brother then just nodded and left the kitchen.

( She is still the little Yurina, nothing has change, except her being big now.)

Yurina then sit down on the chair and smile to both me and Yasha the mother f*cker.

I just notice something, since she's now grown up,.. I can still see she's still pretty cute for a young fourteen girl.

( She is still the same Little Strawberry I know, and the way she smile when she was still little? )

( It never change. She's still she.)

" While I was gone, did something happened in here, or did something change in here while I was gone for a week? " She said and looked at to both me and Yasha again.

" Nothing, the only thing that change in here is you." He said and so I nodded too, we'll I agree on him this moment, strawberry then looked at her self and her ghadd... Her chest.

" Is it because I'm no longer small anymore? " she said and looked at me and Yasha again and I then just nodded as I was drinking my tea.

" Is it also because I have boobs now? " she said and that made me cough while drinking my tea.

" Yoru... Are you okay? I'll go get so—. " she said and so I cut her off.

" It's okay, it's okay... I'm fine, no need to worry." I said and I then get some tissues to wiped off the tea that spill around my t—.

" Let me do it." strawberry said and so I immediately stood up and walked away from her.

" Huh? Whats wrong? I just want to help..." she said

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