Chapter 051 - 052

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Chapter 051 Get up early and do your morning luck

The next morning, the warm sunshine is shining down, and the world that has been quiet all night gradually begins to wake up.

Wei Chen woke up early. Before he even opened his eyes, he felt some force pressing on his waist and legs. When he opened his eyes, he saw Chen Li putting his hands on his waist and his feet. On his legs, the whole body was curled up in his arms.

Sleeping is becoming more and more rude. Wei Chen sighed helplessly in his heart. It was obviously a double bed, but two people squeezed into the single bed. If it weren't for the air conditioning in the room in summer, Wei Chen felt that he would wake up several times in the middle of the night due to heat.

But it's all a sweet burden. Wei Chen stared at Chen Li's peaceful sleeping face with gentle eyebrows and eyes. The look in his eyes was soft and there was a faint smile permeating it.

Not long after Wei Chen woke up, Chen Li also woke up. He calmly took back his hands and feet that were resting on Wei Chen's body, and sat up in a daze. The dull hair on his head was raised, and his big eyes were gone. The sluggishness when he was awake turned into confusion, which was so cute. Wei Chen couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub Chen Li's dull hair even more messily, and then said good morning to Chen Li with a smile.

Chen Li looked at Wei Chen, and his confused eyes slowly became clear. Wei Chen's figure was clearly printed in them, but there was no emotion.

The two got up together, and when Wei Chen opened the window of the room, sunlight instantly filled the room that was a little dark a moment ago. The sky was bright and a new day began again.

Chen Li followed Wei Chen as soon as he left the room. Wherever Wei Chen went, Chen Li followed. His eyes kept falling on Wei Chen. Wei Chen was a little confused at first, wondering if Chen Li had changed his clothes. The environment makes him so clinging to him because he feels insecure. Later I remembered that I promised him yesterday that I would teach him to read and write today, and I guess I can't wait now.

"Go for a run with me now, and I'll teach you later." Wei Chen said, already squatting down and putting on his sneakers.

Chen Li obediently put on the sneakers Wei Chen prepared for him and went out for a run with Wei Chen. He believed that Wei Chen would definitely fulfill what he promised him.

There is a park near the community. At dawn, uncles and aunts gathered here to dance. When Wei Chen and Chen Li arrived at the park, these uncles and aunts had already danced a few songs and were resting at the moment. But looking at It looks like he will continue to dance for a few more songs before he gives up.

There were already people running on the trails in the park, and there were birds chirping in the woods. It was a peaceful and peaceful scene in the early morning. This was something Chen Li had not seen when he was in the Magic City. He couldn't help but take a few more glances at it. .

Wei Chen noticed that Chen Li was observing everything around him and did not disturb Chen Li. He stood beside Chen Li silently and experienced this leisurely morning with Chen Li.

Chen Li observed for a while before looking away. When he looked at Wei Chen again, his eyes were bright and he didn't know what he was thinking of. Wei Chen rubbed Chen Li's hair and started running with Chen Li.

Because Chen Li had been stuck in a small attic for a long time, his health was not very good and he lacked exercise. His whole person looked like he was lacking in nutrition. Wei Chen planned to slowly take care of Chen Li's health. While taking dietary therapy, Wei Chen also hoped to strengthen Chen Li's physical fitness through exercise. To this end, he also formulated a series of plans. Today is the beginning of this plan.

Chapter 052 Facing Together

Wei Chen knew Chen Li’s physical condition and was not in a hurry, so he led Chen Li to run on the trail. The speed was really slow, and he was passed by other runners again and again. Once, Wei Chen led Chen Li to a trot without any hurry, and kept observing Chen Li's condition. He found that Chen Li was breathing heavily, so he slowed down his pace again.

After running like this for nearly half an hour, Wei Chen took Chen Li to run a small circle around the park. When they stopped, Chen Li was already sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

"Awesome." Wei Chen couldn't help but praise Chen Li when he saw Chen Li holding on to this section of the road without shouting to stop or saying he was tired.

Chen Li gasped and obediently asked Wei Chen to wipe his sweat.

A few girls in school uniforms happened to pass by. Watching the interaction between the two, they left chatting and laughing. However, Chen Li's eyes fell on these girls in school uniforms. Wei Chen also noticed Chen Li's eyes. landing point, and remember it.

The two then walked along the plank road by the river, had breakfast in a small shop, and then walked home with their fingers intertwined.

As soon as he arrived home, Chen Li's eyes fell on Wei Chen, and his meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Wei Chen saw that Chen Li was so impatient, so he asked Chen Li to take out the book. The book was a Chinese language book for the first grade of elementary school. It taught the simplest pinyin. Wei Chen didn't know what Chen Li's basic skills were, so he could only Start with the simplest teaching.

But soon, Wei Chen encountered a problem. Chen Li didn't speak. After teaching him, he didn't know if Chen Li had learned it. He asked Chen Li if he had mastered it. Chen Li just looked at Wei Chen without saying anything.

If he hadn't heard Chen Li speak at that critical moment in his previous life, Wei Chen would have really thought that Chen Li couldn't speak. That is to say, after experiencing that day in his previous life, Wei Chen knew that Chen Li could speak. , just resist talking.

Wei Chen now realized this problem, closed the book after reading, looked at Chen Li seriously, and said: "Li Li, you can talk, right?"

The eyes that were originally falling on Wei Chen, when he heard Wei Chen After Chen's words, Chen Li avoided Wei Chen's eyes, obviously unwilling to face this problem.

Only then did Wei Chen really confirm that Chen Li was really resisting speaking, but he did not force Chen Li to speak. He continued to open the book and started teaching from AOE again.

Chen Li listened carefully, and when he learned it, he put his hand on the book and asked Wei Chen to turn the next page.

In addition to not speaking, Chen Li is also a very obedient student. He can understand it as soon as he is taught. After a long time, Chen Li has learned most of the pinyin.

In the blink of an eye, the sun is high, noon is here, and most of the day has passed. Wei Chen closed the Chinese book and said, "Okay, let's get here in the morning and let's go have dinner."

Chen Li reluctantly took his eyes away from the Chinese book and went out with Wei Chen.

When Chen Li got into the car, Wei Chen leaned over to fasten Chen Li's seat belt and whispered in Chen Li's ear: "Li Li, don't be afraid. I am here. If there is any problem, we will face it together." ."

Chen Li did not respond, staring at his feet, motionless.

Wei Chen raised Chen Li's face, lowered his head and pressed a light kiss on Chen Li's smooth forehead. The moment his lips touched Chen Li's skin, Wei Chen felt that his heartbeat was about to jump out of his throat. .

"Li Li, I will wait for you."

Waiting for the day when you completely open up your guard for me.

Chen Li looked at Wei Chen blankly, opened his mouth, but didn't spit out a word.

Once some mental defenses are set up, they cannot be easily opened. Wei Chen knew this well, so he did not force Chen Li. However, Wei Chen believed that one day, Chen Li would completely open his heart to him.

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