Chapter 377 - 378

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Chapter 377: Collective Divestment

Of course, many people in the Wei family agreed with the acquisition of this company. Now Wei Chen is like the magic needle of the Wei family, pulling the Wei family back from the collapse of the building little by little. The shareholders still believe in Wei Chen's vision.

There is even a popular saying among shareholders, follow Wei Chen and you will have meat to eat. Although the words did not sound very elegant, they were enough to express the trust of these shareholders in Wei Chen.

However, most expressed support, but there were also some voices of opposition.

In other words, these people are not opposed to the project of acquiring the company, but they are only opposed to Wei Chen.

When Wei Zhenxiong made a deal with the Chen family, he not only built relationships with Wei Zhenxiong, but also gradually infiltrated his own influence.

After Wei Chen accepted the Wei family, he was busy dealing with the Wei family's affairs and had no time to deal with these people. He originally thought that if they were honest, he would let them be arrogant for a few more days.

But now they are overtly and covertly stumbling upon Wei Chen. If they want the Wei family to recover quickly, these people are going to be very desperate.

However, these people didn't know that Wei Chen had already found out everything about them. When Wei Chen made the decision to acquire, one of them slammed the table, "I don't agree!" He said With a look of indignation, he said: "The Wei family has already taken over the port project. With the current situation, the Wei family has no spare money to acquire the company."

"Yes, Chairman, we recognize that you are back as a Wei's has done a lot, but as the saying goes, you can't make a big fat man out of one bite. Now that Wei's has slowly got on the right track, it's time to move forward steadily instead of pursuing rapid development. Otherwise, if you go too fast, the consequences will be disastrous. Yes." Another shareholder advised earnestly.

Next, you started talking to each other, just to persuade Wei Chen not to acquire that company. Wei Chen stood in the main seat and listened, without saying a word the whole time, until they stopped, Wei Chen glanced with cold eyes. He circled around and recorded the expressions of everyone in the conference room, and then slowly said: "This acquisition is non-negotiable."

Wei Chen's voice was cold and low, without a trace of warmth.

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room fell silent, and the expressions on the faces of the opponents became increasingly ugly.

Since Wei Chen wants to fight them to the death, then they will accompany him to the end. They want to see what ability Wei Chen has to defeat them.

Wei's current funds have been tied up in the port project, and he does not believe that Wei Chen's acquisition case can continue without their investment.

"Chairman, if you insist on executing this acquisition, then we will withdraw our capital! We invest in Wei's to make money, not to pay for your youth and vigour." One person said righteously, as if he had already Foreseeing the failure of this acquisition, it was like "Yes, if you really want to do it, we will divest."

"I will divest too!" I remembered the voices of divesting one after another. These were naked threats.

The people who were still firmly on Wei Chen's side could not help but feel a little shaken when they saw this situation.

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