Chapter 283 - 284

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Chapter 283 I miss you so much

Half a month later, Fang Yun's health improved under the careful care of the doctor and Wei Chen.

So Wei Chen went to consult the doctor. It wasn't until the doctor said that Fang Yun's body could withstand the long journey that Wei Chen booked three tickets to the Fu Kingdom.

For more than half a month, Wei Chen's thoughts have been on Fang Yun, but when he calmed down, his mind was filled with Chen Li. He wished he could rush back to Chen Li right away and hold Chen Li in his arms. Here, I didn’t say anything or do anything, I simply hugged him to ease the growing longing for him.

This was the longest separation since Wei Chen and Chen Li got together. In the past, when they were separated for a day, his heart was like a cat scratching him, full of longing, let alone now that they had been separated for more than half a month, the feeling of longing spread throughout his body. , whenever he thinks of Chen Li, Wei Chen is overwhelmed by his longing.

Of course, Wei Chen and Chen Li also had video calls, but due to the time difference, it was not easy to match the time. For the sake of each other, neither of them took the initiative to video chat.

Fang Yun noticed Wei Chen's emotions, and it was Fang Yun who took the initiative to bring up going to Fu Country, so Wei Chen went to ask the doctor.

The time to go to Fu Country was set, but Wei Chen didn't tell Chen Li because he wanted to give Chen Li a surprise.

On the third day, Wei Chen and Wei Wei helped Fang Yun get into the plane and the plane flew to Fu country.

Just when Wei Chen and the others were boarding the plane, Wei Zhenxiong finally put aside his dignity and went to the hospital to visit Fang Yun, hoping to get back together with Fang Yun. After all, Fang Yun had what he needed, not just Wei Wei's custody rights.

Of course, by this time Fang Yun had already gone through the discharge procedures and got on the plane to Fuguo. Wei Zhenxiong jumped into the air. Wei Zhenxiong looked at the hospital corridor with people coming and going with some dejection. Only then did he realize that he and Fang There is a premonition that Yun can never go back.

No matter what Wei Zhenxiong was thinking, after a long flight, the plane finally landed at the airport in LD City, Fuguo. By this time, it was already evening in Fuguo.

In the manor, Chen Yunlan specially prepared a table of delicious dishes for Chen Li. When the last dish was brought to the table, Chen Yunlan took off her apron and went to Chen Li's bedroom to ask Chen Li to eat.

Chen Li was still painting. When he heard the noise, he turned around and saw Chen Yunlan walking over. He said with crooked eyebrows: "Dad.

^^^ Chen Yunlan came over and rubbed Chen Li's shoulders, "Xiao Li, it's time to eat. . "

Chen Li immediately got up and packed away his brushes, washed his hands and prepared to eat. He looked just like normal.

But Chen Yunlan knew that Chen Li was in a bad mood. It should be said that Chen Li's mood had remained in this state since Wei Chen returned to China.

Wei Chen As soon as Chen left, Chen Li's life began to become regular. He didn't stay in bed in the morning, got up on time, walked around the manor and then had breakfast. After breakfast, he spent an hour watching TV, and then started painting.

It's time , come down for lunch, and then rest for an hour. After the lunch break, continue painting.

Now is when Chen Li's inspiration bursts out. He can complete a painting in one to two days, but Chen Li is not like other painters. Same, stay up all night or work for a long time to paint to prevent the loss of inspiration if you pause.

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