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The next morning Y/N gave Osamu the run down of what was talked about last night. Osamu wasn't sure it would work but he trusted Y/N.

The both of them went to the hospital and was sent straight to Atsumu's room. When they got there a nurse were checking his vitals and grinning. They thought she might've been laughing at what was said on the TV behind her but Osamu and Y/N realized it was Atsumu who was making her blush and giggle.


Atsumu's snapped his neck towards the door and saw Y/N and his brother side by side. His smile dropped upon seeing them.



Osamu rushed over to him and hugged him, instantly breaking down in tears. Atsumu smiled lightly and returned his brother's hug. Even if they fight and can't stand stand each other most of the time they'll never be the same without each other.

"I was so scared." Osamu sobs.

Y/N called the nurse over with a nod of her head. In the corner of the room Y/N asked her of Atsumu's diagnosis.

"Is he alright?"

"He's perfectly fine. After loosing so much blood he needed to regain his strength that's why he was out for a while. Oh and thanks to his brother he donated some of his blood to help his brother recover quickly. He had to get twenty stitches but other than that he's perfect. Just don't let him lift anything heavy for the next two weeks and he'll be healed in no time." She informs.

Y/N exhales a breath of relief. "Thank you Miss. I'll let his brother know."

"I'll be back to bring his food and pain killers. After that he can be discharged. Oh, and it's Nurse Sam." She says with a smile, glancing at Atsumu who's just letting go of Osamu.

Atsumu caught her stare and winked. She blushed and left the room. Y/N noticed the exchange but would leave that for later. She heads over to the bed and hugs Atsumu.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

"Same here."

Y/N exhales. "Well, I know you just woke up but...Osamu and I have to tell you what we talked about."

Atsumu glanced between the two of them and noticed the shift. "Lay it on me then."

For the next hour Y/N gave another explanation about the plan. Atsumu even got discharged when she was nearly done.

He threw on his shirt that he was in last night and looked at the blood. Y/N stopped talking and shook her head. "You're not wearing that, second I bought you something to wear, Osamu." He gave him a look and he caught on to what she wanted him to do.

Osamu left the building and went to the car to get whatever it is Y/N bought behind. Once Osamu left she turned to Atsumu.

"Atsumu I'll need you to trust me with what I'm about to tell you alright?" She left out the part where he has to be isolated until, one, he gets better and two, until they get Kentaro under their wing.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now