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•[A Lot]•

Y/N got up and exhaled. "Alright. Now that Kita and Suna too their time, we can finally get this party started." She said the moment they arrived.

Kita shuffled to the side and Suna got comfortable by the entrance, leaning against the wall.

He shot Kita a glance, watching at the boy took a seat by a cricle table on the left side of the room that's further to the back and away from everyone.

It's also in the direction of him. When Kita sat down he glanced at Suna, making Suna snap his head away from him.

"Now, we all know that Tendou fucked us over, as did Terushima. However, I have a problem with that. Why would Kozume send two people to spy on us?"

She knows it wasn't Kenma, but she does want to know the reason for two different districts spying on them. Just what was the reason?

"Maybe he knew they were going to be found out." Akagi says.


"It doesn't really matter now." Atsumu speaks. "Terushima fucked us over as did Tendou. Ugh, and I was actually starting to tolerate him." He complains.

"That's true. None of it really matters. But why? What can be so important that they sent two different districts to watch us? Did they even know?"

"I don't think they did." Ren voices.

"Suna what do you think?" She says ignoring the boy.

"Hm?" He glanced up at her. He zoned out entirely. She frowned.

"About the Tendou situation. Why would he want to do this? Did you do him something to make him want to take you down?" She asks.

Suna exhales, his eyes shifted to Kita who's on his phone.

"Umm..." Then a ding. Suna stammers, taking his phone from his pocket to check whatever message he got.

It's from Kita. Then another one came through.

Don't be so obvious.
And don't look at me either, you'll draw attention.

Suna cleared his throat, returning his attention to Y/N.

"I don't...I don't know."

"You don't know what?"

"I don't know if he has a problem with me. Nothing I did to him in the past and to be honest I don't know why he'd want to do what he did to us." He shrugs.

"Hmm...love the small effort."

Suna exhales. "Well you had his phone, exactly what did you find?"

"I found out that Kuroo was behind it. Not Kenma, which is why I'm asking, "why"; why would they send two people?"

Suna clicked his tongue. "Could mean that Kozume sent Terushima in the beginning after he heard you were going to start a riot and Kuroo did the same thing."

She shook her head no. "I met Tendou before the riot, I met Terushima during the installment of it."

"So what you're saying is that Kuroo sent Satori and Kozume sent Terushima?" Asks Hitoshi.

Y/N smiles. "Yes."


She snaps her finger. "Exactly!" She then turned to Kita who'd been watching Suna.

"Kita? Anything?"

Kita tore his gaze away when Suna glanced his way. He exhales, looking down at his phone.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now