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Everyone is at base since Y/N wanted to fill everyone in. That included every member of D12. The room is full and some are sitting on the ground or on a few chairs that was there.

Y/N counted heads to make sure everyone was seated before she began.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's get started."

"Not, everyone is here. Where's District Three?" Someone asks.

"Don't disrupt me. Ask questions after and I'll answer them. Hold that until the end, understand?"

He nods, putting his hand down.

"Good. Glad to be on the same page already. Now, we all seen the broadcast on Atsumu. Very unsettling and nerve wrecking. I know the original district twelve misses him very much, as does Osamu since it's his brother and all. However, a solution has been made to get him back." She begins.

"Atsumu has been gone for nearly three months now, we've seen what they did to him and they are not going to get away with it."

Y/N walked over to the desk that's pushed against the wall and picked up a photo of Terushima.

She had Suna and Kita lift Suna's desk out front for this and Suna surprisingly let her have what she wanted.

It had everything. Files upon files of everyone. Even new gangs forming in the cracks of Japan. She's sure that Kita did all the work of gathering the information though.

"Terushima, the main problem in all of this. And this answers your question of where he is. He's a traitor. From the riot Terushima has been an in man spy for Kozume."

A few of them looked shocked and began talking amongst one another, saying how it couldn't be true.

"Now!" She says upon the mutters and whispers. "Terushima has been ruled out as a traitor, and we're bound to cut his tongue out. As for Kentaro. Osamu...I'll leave him to you luv. And do whatever it is you'd want. Because I certainly won't stop you." She says to him.

Osamu cleared his throat to keep from crying and glanced at the floor.

"Now to the main reason I called everyone here. I'm going to be fighting Kozume and whoever else he puts on the table for Atsumu's return. Henceforth, I need to prepare myself. I don't know what date we are to fight, however I want to prepare myself for it. So that means everyone is going to be trainor."

"I'll have to stop you, right there, Y/N." Suna says. "You won't be able to do any of that until you get sleep. And not to mention your ribs and I haven't seen you eat anything in two days."

Y/N glanced away from him and glanced at everyone.

"Yeah, Y/N. Take a bit of rest first."


Soon everyone began to agree. To them she looks like a complete vampire zombie person. Bags under her eyes, dark circles, how she looks to have lost weight. Everything about her screamed different to them.

"I won't sleep until Atsumu is back and i won't eat until he's back."

"And if you do that how would you win to get him back?" Suna points out.

"I won't lose. Don't worry about me."

"We're actually all worried,Y/N."


"I agree."


It got quiet. Y/N exhaled and shook her head. "Whenever I get the date, then I'll get a bit of rest, but only enough to where my ribs would heal." She explains.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα