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•[Most Definitely Yes]•

Y/N cocked her hand back and let loose seconds later, hitting Tendou in the nose.

She heard it. Gasps. Tendou's head sprang back and he fell on the mat beneath them. Y/N exhaled and turned on her heel, stepping out of the ring.

It's silent, dead silent.

Ever since she got that call from Kenma she told everyone to round up again. They didn't want to and told her that she should rest herself for the fight. But Y/N is Y/N and their leader, so whatever she says, goes.

Hearing that she had to fight Atsumu made her angry. How could he single himself out and replace his fight with Atsumu?

She also wanted answers on Terushima, but she couldn't say anything about it with everyone else in the room. And the fact that he knows she got a new phone means that he had been watching her. Or maybe it was a guess on a whim.

Either way, her blood was boiling, steam was emitting on the surface of her skin, and she wanted blood. She was done studying their moves and was ready to let out some real steam.

And so, after Ushijima, was Akagi, and then Aran, then Ren. She coursed through them all, avoiding every hit they threw. Blocking every punch and simply tiring them out, and once that was done...she'd knock them to their backs.

And then it was Tendou. The crazy bastard was excited to fight. It took two hours. Tendou's speed and agility was on another level, only having her block on a second delay.

He was able to knock her down a few times. She didn't forget that he was a crazed fighter at all. So she dropped the regular fighting and fought like him.

The mirror effect worked perfectly. It made Tendou frustrated to the point where he began to throw messy punches due to his frustration. And every time he would do so, she would do so.

If you put two crazy people in a ring, they either kill each other, or drive the other person to kill themselves.

In Y/N and Tendou's case...Y/N made sure he killed himself before she laid out his coffin. And when she finally found that opening, she swung. And she swung hard.

Barbara smiled. "I knew it." She speaks as she pranced over to the ring to see if Tendou was alright.

"Knew what?" Kita asks. The silence is still there, it's still eerie and they are trying to find a way to ease the air in the room.

Suna studied Y/N from where he stood, and began to make theories as to where her strength and analysis came from for all of her fights.

Ren was an easy win, yes. But only because he grown a fear of her. Then Aran...Aran didn't want to go all out. He said he wasn't raised to hit anyone of the female anatomy. So Suna ruled her win as a default since Aran promised amongst them that he couldn't hit Y/N as hard.

During practice, sure, but not a real fight. Whatever knowledge that was.

Ushijima was taken down within two hours as well. He didn't come around to play. He really went all out. Scored a lot of solid hits as well, but only because he still had the upper hand with his height and agility.

That's until Y/N tired him out, always blocking and doging his punches on time. It's like she knew what he was going to do, and during the second hour, she threw punches until she got him to the floor.

After that...her fights was easier. Until Tendou of course.

"You were studying us weren't you? For these past two months?" Barbara asks. Y/N glanced at her, wiping sweat from her forehead.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now