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TW/Mention of Suicide

Reader's discretion is advised!!!!

Suna got in after three minutes of talking to the receptionist about his injuries. He didn't care about his injuries though, he came here for one thing.


Suna made his way around the hospital until he found Aran's room and upon getting there he didn't expect anyone to be there. And if someone did decide to visit him, he would've expected an officer, not Barbara.

She glanced at the door upon it opening. She was startled for a bit, having zoned out.

Suna stood in curiosity, his gaze glancing at Aran who's asleep and stable.

"Barbara." The last time he saw her was during Tendou's exposure. Hm, maybe that's why he didn't go through with wanting to kill him. He actually grew to like the guy.

"Suna. You look like you've seen way better nights."

"I didn't know that they went beyond visiting hours."

"I snuck in, but even after being seen by a nurse, she gave me ten minutes more. I was actually just on my way." She answers.

Suna glanced at her, spotting her stomach that's being covered by the jacket she has on. Well, the jacket didn't do a good job of hiding her baby bump. Her eight month bump that is.

"Wow, um... congratulations." Suna bowed in respect.

"T-thank you."

"If you don't mind me asking...why are you here?"

"I...I was awaiting for him to wake. Wanted to apologize for what Tendou did to him. When I heard it I just...I couldn't believe he'd...do this. Trying to kill someone again. He told me...everything and I just...I couldn't be with him anymore. I needed a break."

"We know...and I'm sorry you have to go through that. Especially now that you're pregnant."

"I guess it's what someone gets for dating a literal crazy person."

Suna grins. "He calmed down after you came around."

She turned around, looking at Aran.

"Part of me was going to talk to him and tell him about the pregnancy, but after hearing he nearly killed Aran, I pulled back."

"When are you due?"

"Next month."

"I wish you luck."

"And if it was Y/N that did that...you couldn't stand a chance. Good night Rintaro." She gave him a tap on his shoulder and left with a faint smile.

Suna watched her leave. When she did he pranced over to Aran's bed. He studied the boy. His right hand is wrapped completely along with the right side of his body.

Part of his neck also has a bandage on it and close by his ear.

"How you feeling?"

No answer.

Suna exhales.

"I didn't kill him...killing him wouldn't have solved anything. Would've created more stir. I'm tired of the, man for man thing. You never really liked violence unless you needed to use it."

Suna took a seat on the chair close to the bed.

"I'm glad you're alive bud." Suna rest his head on the edge of the bed and relaxed. He even felt sleep pulling at him finally.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now