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It's nearly midnight and still there was no sign of Y/N. Suna got worried and began calling her phone.



Three times.

No answer.

He called Kita and when Kita picked up, he went on a rant.

"I need to where she is, Kita. She's never like this and if something happened I need to know."

"Calm down. Y/N is a strong woman. We all know that. And if she's anywhere right now she's either having time to herself or she's at Ukai's shop. That is her uncle after all." He reminds.

Suna rubbed his hair and exhaled. "Alright, I'll check Ukai's shop. If she's not there I'm checking the city."

"Suna you can't check the ci-

He hung up. Suna left Y/N's apartment and made his way to Ukai's shop. He knows he's done her wrong but he wants their slate to be clean. He'd do anything in his power to be on her good side.

She's too much of a prize from him to lose.

Suna tried calling her again and this time he decided to leave a voice message.

"Y/N, I know you hate me but please pick up. I need to know that you're safe alright?"

Suna tried again. Leaving four other voice messages.

"You're killing me here, Y/N. All I want is for us to be together, for us to try again. I know you won't be able to forget but please...give me a second chance. I'm begging you."

He doesn't want to feel like this but he does. If she's dead, which he doubts, he'd lose his mind.

Suna took a sharp right, changing gears as he sped down the highway.

The third voice message

"Y/N just answer me, please. Answering me would let me know that you're okay. That's all I want to know."

Suna exhaled heavily and hit the steering wheel. If she's not here...

Suna screeched his tires onto the dirt road and parked it on the side. He got out of the car and ran up to Ukai's shop.

He looked in and saw the man finishing the daily news paper. He tried opening the door but it's locked. Then he knocked, getting Ukai's attention.

Ukai frowned upon seeing him and got up from his seat.

"The hell does this boy want?" He mutters to himself. After being knocked out Ukai set his boundaries. Not only that, he's yet to see his niece. He worries about her safety. 

Ukai crossed his arms, staring at a frantic Suna on the outside. "What do you want?" Ukai asks him.

"Sir, I want to know if you've seen Y/N! If she's here please tell her come out and see me." He explains in a panic.

Ukai barely caught any of that due to the glass door and opened it.

"What did you say?"

"I asked if Y/N's here. I've been calling her and she wouldn't answer her phone. Please, I need to talk to her."

Ukai stood stunned as he heard those words. Upon meeting Suna he's only seen him unbothered by everything. Even his features made it look like he was bored of everything and just wanted to go to sleep.

"N-no. Y/N isn't here. I haven't seen her ever since...the accident."

"What?" Suna didn't believe. "If she's here just tell me."

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now