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•[Kita Shinsuke]•

"I'm sorry but I had to do it."

"I know. Hence why I had no problem with it." Kita responds. Y/N made everyone go home, Kita is still in his chair. Tendou and his crew left and now it's only a few of them.

Kita, Suna, Y/N and Ukai. He'd been watching in disguise. Suna is off to the side as Kita and Y/N spoke.

Ukai decided to talk to Suna.

"How are you feeling boy?" He asks. Suna wiped his mouth, his foot shaking in anticipation.

"She shot him. Twice."

"I know, I saw." Ukai has witnessed her crazed behavior firsthand. To be honest, she had him shaken up. Now he knows not to get her angry.

"She can't..." Suna wiped his eyes. "She gets away with everything." He wiped more tears from his eyes as he watched them talk. He's only so far away from them because Kita told him to give them a minute.

"She's surviving. And she knows how to show someone what she needs to do to do so in the first place."

Suna glanced at him. "So you're agreeing with her actions?" He sniffs.

"There are a lot of things I don't agree with, but...she found a mole. And she did what she had to to get the real one to admit."

"She could've used anybody."

"That's where you're wrong. It's like what that Aran kid said. Kita knows her. He understood her methods. If he didn't then he wouldn't be injured."

Suna shook his head, pacing as he rubbed his head. Ukai studied him then glanced at Kita who looked their direction along with Y/N.

He glanced away, as did she. Then it got Ukai thinking.

"You know what's funny?" He says pulling out a pack of cigarettes. Suna stopped in his tracks, looking at the man in curiosity.

"After everything Y/N accused Kita of, you still went out of your way to not only to believe him...but to protect him. Why is that?"

Ukai lit his cigarette, waiting for Suna to answer. Suna glanced in their direction, catching Kita's stare. They both looked away, but Kita was the first to do so.

Suna returned his gaze back to Ukai and shrugged.

"He's my best friend."

Ukai hummed. "Suna, Kita admitted to hanging out with Kuroo freely, even thinks of him as a friend. You don't like the Kozume boy so why would you like Kozume's friend, with your friend so freely?"

Suna stuttered. "I...I don't..." He sighs.

"You would always react when Y/N and Kozume is mentioned." He points out.

"Yeah because-

"However you don't react when he admits to meeting with this Kuroo kid. You defend him and rush to his side, why?"

"Kita wouldn't betray us. He's loyal and a good friend."

Ukai exhales a puff of smoke. "Or it could be that you trust him."

"I do. He's my best-

"Stop repeating yourself, it's annoying. Him being your friend doesn't mean anything. Anyone can turn on someone they know. But you...you were quick to act, quick to defend and come to his aid. Why?"

Suna didn't know how to respond to that. Why, is the question. Why does he trust Kita so much? Why isn't he angry upon hearing Kita has been meeting with Kuroo?

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now