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•[Won't Let It Slide]•

Y/N clutched the steering wheel tightly as she sped down the one way. The moment she hung up on Kenma she realized that Kenma doesn't know what he's talking about.

"Solo or Kuroo?" Y/N asks as she made her way to the bar. Angel, who sat in fear ridden silence in the back seat of the car glanced up at her.


"That's her name right, Solo?"


"Between the two, who would most likely try to kill Kenma?"

"Umm...not Kuroo, that's for sure. He loves him too much to try to kill him."

"But sick enough to try to touch him. I swear to God someone's going to die today. If not today, then it would most definitely be tomorrow."

She's angry.

"Where are you going?"

"Solo Riders."

"What why?"

"I don't care what Kenma said about dealing with this on his own. Kuroo and that girl who looks like him crossed too many lines. Kenma could let it slide if he wants to, but nearly killing him? Gotta be fucking stupid."

She took a sharp left, her tires screeching as she did so. Angel shook her head.

"No. No. I'm not going back there."

"Either that or you die first. It's not a fucking option."

Angel wanted to scream in frustration. She hates everyone and everything. She should've left Suna's house when she had the chance, but she was scared.

And her dogs...her babies. She misses them. They're probably starving without her.

"Besides we were going there anyways. Last time I was there Kuroo was there. I was going to tie you up and toast you up a bit in a circle of fire but changed my mind. You took the fun out of hurting you. But now, I need you to help me kidnap Kuroo and that toy of his."

"You're fucking crazy."

Y/N scoffs. "I can't believe you. You knew everything about Kuroo and what he was doing and you allowed that?"

"What Kuroo did was not my fucking concern, Kenma was all I cared about."

"He's sick! Kita told me every single thing Kuroo thought about, and I'm surprised that you allowed it to slide. What? Cause you were too dickmitized to fucking care?!"

Angel scoffs. "I know how Kenma is. If I had told him he would've killed him."

"Then so what?!"

"So what? He's his best friend!"

"You fucking bitch." Y/N came to a screeching stop and parked, quickly getting out of the car. Angel watched as she came to the back door.

She shook her head, backing off as Y/N opened the door, reaching in for her.

"No! No! Leave me you fucking psychopath!"

Y/N grabbed her by the ankle and began dragging her out.

"So what exactly do you know about Kuroo and Kenma?"

"Well...he had this entry book. One he'd write his thoughts in."

"What kind of thoughts?"

Panicked, Angel kicked her in the face with her free foot, making Y/N let her go. Angel rushed out of the car on the other side and began running.

𝑹𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒆 / 𝑲𝒆𝒏𝒎𝒂 𝑲𝒐𝒛𝒖𝒎𝒆Where stories live. Discover now